Chapter 18

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The boys and Ella were on their  tour bus and the bus was at the gas station

Ella was in her bunk, looking at the picture of her parents

She really miss them so much

Then she heard music playing so she got out of her bunk to find the music

She opened the door is the back room and saw Louis playing his keyboard

"That music" said Ella

Then Louis was surprised and said "oh geese Ella, did I disturb you, I'm sorry I'll put it away"

"No, no, no wait, I like it, I used to listen to that music before when I was living under the bridge, before I went to sleep" said Ella "that was you was it, I thought Niall was the only one in the band who can play instruments"

"Well he's not the only one, I play piano, so does Harry and he plays guitar" said Louis "sometimes I play piano for fun"

Ella sat next Louis and said "oh really"

"Oh yes, when I'm happy, it sounds like this" said Louis then be started to play a happy music and it made Ella smiled and giggled a little bit

"When I'm sad, it's like this" said Louis and he played a sad music

It made Ella a little sad and when he stopped, Ella said "when I was sad, I used to go to bed with my mom and dad"

She sighed and said "but that was a long time ago"

Louis put his hand on Ella's shoulder and said "I'm sure your mother and father would of been very proud of you Ella, cause I know we are"

Ella smiles and left

Ella decided to go out of the bus for a fresh air

Then she heard something like a footsteps

She tried to find the sound but there was no one there

"Niall, I told you many times, it's not funny" said Ella 

Then some person who was wearing black grabbed Ella and screamed for the boys

The boys came out and about ran to get Ella but the person but magically the cage came down to the boys

The person carried Ella over the shoulder and went to the truck and left

"We got to do something to save Ella" said Louis

"But how" said Harry "we have a show tomorrow"

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