Chapter 4

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In the morning Ella woke up from the screaming

"What's going on out there" she said

She immediately went out to check it out and then she saw like fans, so she went up to them and then she saw Harry Styles

The fans went up to him and taking pictures with him and when Ella was trying to get him, the security guard was pushing the girls away from Harry

But then the security guard look at Ella and said "look at you, you're so dirty, why don't you take care of yourself"

Ella felt down and then he pushed her and she accidentally rolled down to the river and the girls laughed at her

Ella felt so miserable and then the other fan said "hey, that's not funny, Harry does not like us make  fun of the other fans or getting hurt"

She came up to Ella and help her up and Ella thank her and the girl said "no problem"

She left and Ella went to get a blanket to get her dry since she doesn't have a towel

"Oh I wish I could get out of here, but it's impossible" said Ella

"What do you mean impossible" said the man

Ella turn around and saw a man and she was surprised and the man said "don't be afraid Ella, I didn't mean any harm"

"How did you know my name" said Ella

The man chuckled and said "I know about you beside your name, I know your past and even your dreams"

Then he showed the box and that box was the exact same box that Ella put on the river last night

"Hey that's my" said Ella

"Of course it is your box, come on Ella open it" said the man

She opened the box and inside of the box it was a silver heart necklace

"That's a pretty necklace" said Ella

"Actually it's a magic necklace" he said

Ella's eyes were wide open and said "magic?"

"That's right" he said "when you wear it, amazing things will happen"

"What kind of amazing things will happen" said Ella

The man chuckled and said "sweetie I can't tell you that it will spoiled a surprise"

Ella said "but what do you mean amazing things will happen?"

The man said "well, maybe you'll never be homeless, miserable or lonely anymore"

Ella sighed and pick up the necklace and the man said "Ella, you probably feel that you're parents failed you since they died"

Ella said "sometimes I just wish I was a kid again because my parents were there when I was a kid"

The man said "don't worry, remember when you wear that necklace, amazing things will happen" the he left

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