Chapter 12

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They got off the bus and they decided to go on a boat right cause it was a sunny day and a little hot

When they were on the boat, they boys went to go for a swim while the others are chilling in the boat

Ella was sitting on the boat looking at sky then Niall came to her and said "hey Ella, the boys and I are going for a swim, you wanna come"

"No thanks Niall" said Ella "and besides I can't swim"

"But don't you have a river in front your tent" said Niall

"I use that river, for bathing" said Ella

Niall walked away and Ella decided to walk around the boat

When she went to the back of the boat she looked at the ocean that had the sun reflection it made Ella feel like she want to go swimming but unfortunately she can't swim

She went a little closer to the boat to put her foot the water and then she immediately got her foot out and said "oh geese it's so cold"

But then she started to lose her balance and then she accidentally fell in the water

Meanwhile for the boys they were just chilling in the water until they heard a splash

"What was that" said Niall

"That's a splash" said Louis

"Where's Ella" said Harry

"I think she at the back of the boat" said Liam

They had a thought and they immediately got out of the water, to the boat and went to the back and Ella was gone

"Where is she" said Louis

Then they Ella in the water, struggling and the Liam yelled "ELLA" then Harry jumped in the water

Harry went to Ella and grabbed her and she put her arms around him

When they got to the boat Liam took Ella from Harry and he carried her like bride style

The boys helped Harry out while Sophia wrapped Ella in a towel while in Liam's arms and went on his lap

"Ella are you okay" said Liam

"I'm cold and wet" said Ella

"What happened" said Sophia

"I just lost my balance and I accidentally fell in" said Ella

"Well we're glad that you're okay" said Liam

Ella's Adventure With One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now