Chapter 7

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After Ella took a bath, she wore a bath robe so she'll be dry and warm.

The boys and Ella were sitting on the couch

"I forgot to tell you, who are you?" said Harry to Ella

"I'm Ella" said Ella

"So Ella, how did you get here from London" said Louis

"Well you guys won't believe me but this necklace sent me here" said Ella

"Ok then" said Niall "well maybe now we can get you back"

"Oh no Niall, we are not getting her back under a bridge that she lives for 5 years" said Louis

"Wait a minute, am I staying here with you guys" said Ella

"Wow that will be fun to have more girls on tour with us" said Liam

"I can't even remember what fun is" said Ella

"Well that's because you've been stuck under a bridge too long, listen Ella, we will help you to refresh your memory" said Harry

"Like what" said Ella

"We have a show tomorrow at the Manchester Arena and you need to come with us" said Harry

"Oh um okay" said Ella

Meanwhile later the boys and Ella decided to go out and they went to the forest

Then they heard something, Niall said "what's that sound"

"It's coming from over there" said Ella pointing at the direction of the sound

"Oh really, let me take a look" said Liam taking a look from his telescope

"Oh no, this is not good" said Liam

"What do you mean" said Ella

"Take a look" said Liam showing Ella from the telescope

It showed the fans were screaming and running

"It's the directioners" said Ella

The boys saw the fans too and Louis "it seems that they spotted us"

The fans came closer and closer

"What do we do" said Louis "what do we do"

Ella pointed the trees and said "the trees, it's our only chance"

"She's right" said Liam

So they started to climb separate trees

The fans came and they looked around to find the boys

"Where did they go, they were just right there" said the fan

"Oh well, let's just go" said the other one

Then they left and the boys climbed down and Niall said "what was close"

Liam looked around and said "hey where's Ella"

"I'm up here" said Ella when she was in the tree

"Wow you are a great climber" said Harry

Ella said while Louis helped her to get down "thanks"

Now they decided to go back to Harry's house so they can be safe

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