Chapter 13

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The next day in the morning the bus made it to Glasgow

When Harry went off the bus he yelled "GLASGOW" and he did a little dance

Ella went off the bus next and she was so tired and Liam came to her and said "oh someone is tired"

Ella said "Liam"

"What" said Liam

"Have I been embarrassed enough" said Ella

"Oh sweetie I'm not embarrassing you" said Liam when he put his arm around Ella when they walk to the Arena 

"You do sometimes" said Louis

"Ok will you stop that" said Liam

Louis laughed as they walk in, Sophia took Ella to their dressing room to hang out

"Ella, I'm really sorry what happened 5 years ago" said Sophia

"Oh it's fine Sophia, well it's just" said Ella

"It's okay Ella, you can tell me" said Sophia

Then Ella said "I just want my old life back, just me, my parents and my house before it was destroyed by the fire"

Ella had a little tear and Sophia came to her and hugged her and Ella hugged her back

"Hey, just to let you know, me and the boys will be with you all the time even though we need to find you a new family" said Sophia

When they pull back Ella said "I don't know about new families cause I heard in movies or other stuff, like the kid lived in a orphanage till he got adopted, then he started to get abused by his new family and they sent him back to the orphanage and it starts all over again"

Sophia said "Ella, it's going to be okay, as long your here with us, nobody can hurt you"

"Thanks Sophia, I think you and Liam will be great parents one day" said Ella

"Oh that's very sweet of you" said  Sophia

Liam overheard from Sophia and Ella's conversation and he had a thought

"Liam, come on" said the tour manager

"Oh alright I'm coming" said Liam as he walk the stage for the show

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