Chapter 6

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She walked around the house to find the way to get over the wall

But sadly she couldn't find anything so she laid against the wall to think

But then she saw a giant black hole from the house and she thought she would check it out so she started to climb in the hole

When she got in the hole she turned around and the hole disappeared and it made Ella terrified but she continue climbing

Then she heard the boys talking

"So guys, we only have 1 more month left until the tour is over and gonna take a break next year" said Harry

"Yeah" said Louis

Then Ella went to the vent and saw the boys talking about the tour and their break

She slowly opened the vent and then Niall said "it'll be fun, we definitely need a break and-"

Ella accidentally slipped and screamed when she fell out of the vent and Niall yelled "INCOMING"

Then she landed on the ground and she tried to get up but she thinks that she got hurt


"Wait Niall" said Louis "I don't think she's the intruder"

"I don't think so either" said Harry

The boys went up to her but Ella was so scared, she said "please, don't hurt me"

"Hurt you?" said Liam

They laughed

"Why would we do that" said Louis

"That's just silly" said Harry

"We will never hurt you" said Niall

"Well if you mess up with Niall all the time" said Louis

Niall said to Louis "that I'm saving that for you"

Liam said "those boys" he help Ella up and he said "there's nothing for you to be scared about"

"But you guys have security guards" said Ella

"We do, but not all the time" said Harry

Then she had a thought and said "the man, the one who gave me the necklace, he said if I wear it amazing things will happen"

The boys got confused

"Amazing things will happen?" said Louis

"Well that's what he said" said Ella

"Does your parents tell you not to talk to strangers" said Liam

"Well yeah, before they died" said Ella then a tear came from her eye

The boys looked at each other and the Louis said "oh my I'm sorry what happened to your parents"

Then Ella told them everything went happened

"So after your parents died,
you been homeless for 5 years" said Niall

"Yes" said Ella "and that's why I'm all dirty and disgusting"

Harry said "well I do have a lou upstairs, so you will all wash up"

"Thanks Harry, I hope I'll never use that dirty river again" said Ella when she went upstairs

The boys were disgust about that Ella has to use the river to wash up

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