Chapter 9

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In the morning Ella woke up and went downstairs and Harry was making breakfast

"Morning Ella" said Harry

"Morning Harry" said Ella

"Here's breakfast" said Harry when he gave a plate of food to Ella

Ella went to the table and started to eat and she said that it was delicious

"I'm glad you like it, what do you actually eat" said Harry

"Well I usually eat, bread, apples and sometimes cup of milk and water" said Ella

"Where would you get the food" said Harry

"Oh just some people gave me food cause I was just a kid" said Ella

"Nice, well in a hour, we had to the Manchester Arena for soundcheck" said Harry

In an hour later, Ella and Harry went on the van and went to the Manchester Arena

They went in, Harry went on stage with the boys and Ella was sitting on the seats at the audience just watching their performance tonight

A while later Louis came up to her and told her that the fans will be here for 3 hours so Ella has to go backstage to our dressing room

Ella went with Louis to backstage and Ella went to their dressing room

Ella looked and the mirror and said to herself "wow, I have never seen myself for 5 years and it looks so clean"

Sophia came in the room and it made Ella a bit jumpy

"Oh my goodness, I didn't mean to scare you Ella" said Sophia

"How did you know my name" said Ella

"Liam told me about you" said Sophia "nice black t shirt and nice jean shorts"

"Thanks Sophia, well it's all I have" said Ella

Sophia said "all you have really"

"Yeah" said Ella "all I have from my tent is my blanket, pillow and my old pj"

Sophia said "how would you like a makeover, I could get your new clothes that you might like, I could get Lottie for your makeup and Lou can do your hair"

"I don't know Sophia" said Ella "nobody never does that for me before"

"Oh Ella, it will definitely change you and when you see it you will love it" said Sophia

Ella sighed and looked at the mirror and said "ok Sophia"

Sophia smiled and went to get Lottie and Lou to do Ella's makeover

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