Chapter 17

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During day 2 of the Birmingham show Harry said to his fans "you guys are kinda wondering why do we have a girl with us

The fans screamed and he said "well that young lady is Ella, she's been with us for a couple of weeks, don't be jealous of her because if it wasn't for Ella, she would be living under a bridge in the city of London"

The fans gasped and Harry said "5 years ago, 10 year old Ella lost her parents from a fire in their home, Ella didn't know where to go until she lived under a bridge"

Ella smiled and when Harry saw her and said "Ella, could you come on stage with us"

Ella got really nervous but she has to do it

She came on stage and the fans were screaming and she decided to wave at the fans

Harry came to her and gave her a side hug and said "everybody this is Ella"

The fans screamed again and he said "when we do met her, she was kinda dirty and disgusting but look at her now"

The fans screamed again and Ella was now wearing new clothes from the dressing room thanks to Sophia, Lottie and Lou

A few while later, the day 2 of the Birmingham show was over, the boys decided to go on their tour bus to sleep

"Wow, what a day, only one more show and we are out of here" said Niall

"Well we are glad that we have a break next year" said Louis

Ella came in the bus and sat in the couch next to Liam

"So, what did you think of being on stage" said Liam

"Well, it was a little scary but I got used to it" said Ella

Liam said when he put his arm around Ella "that's my girl"

"Thanks Liam" said Ella

Then she went to the bunks to go to her bunk

Louis went to the back room to play his keyboard

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