Chapter 20

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A month later, On The Road Again Tour was over and the boys were very sad that it's over but they're excited to do it again after their break

The boys said Ella were driving to London and when they look around Ella saw the bridge that she used to live in so she decided to check it out and the boys followed her

They went under the bridge and Ella's tent was still there

"Is this your tent" said Liam

Ella nodded and they went to the tent and her stuff was still there

"Well I guess I'm home" said Ella

"Actually Ella" said Liam "that's not why we went to London

"What do you mean" said Ella

"Come on" said Liam when he took Ella back to the van

"Guys do you know what's going on" said Ella to the others

"No" said the boys

Ella got really confused and then they pulled up at the mansion and Ella said "Liam, is that your house"

"Yes Ella it is, and Sophia's too" said Liam as they went out of the van

They went inside of the mansion and Sophia came in and greeted them

"Liam, what's going on" said Ella

Liam smiled and took her upstairs

"Okay this is a lovely home Liam" said Ella

Liam, Sophia and Ella came in front of the door and then Ella was confused and Liam told her to go in the door

So Ella opened the door and it was a bedroom and Ella started to walk around the room

There was a vanity that has makeup, hair products, there was a screen tv and the bed has a laptop and a iPhone 6.

Ella was smiling Liam said "what do you think of the bedroom"

"This room is awesome" said Ella

Liam smiled and said "well I'm a glad you like the room cause it's your room"

Ella's eyes were wide open as he turned to Liam and Sophia

"It's alright with you right" said Sophia

"Wait, are you adopting-" said Ella

Liam said "I bet that's what your parents want, for their daughter with a new family who loves and cares for her, every time I see you with Sophia, I feel like you got pretty close well so did I do you, and you definitely need a home, so you'll never be homeless miserable, or lonely anymore"

Ella smiled "so that's why you been act like a dad to me"

Liam said "that's right, the house is your new home Ella you can move in immediately, I'll be your father and Sophia will be your mother"

"Really?" said Ella

"Absolutely" said Sophia

Ella said "but what about my belongings-"

"From the tent, we will bring it here" said Liam

Ella hugged Liam and Sophia

"But Ella" said Liam when he pulled her out "don't forget what happened to the girl who was alone and finally found a new family"

"What happened" said Ella

Liam smiled and said "she lived happily ever after"

They hugged again

So Ella who was homeless, miserable and lonely girl, now finally found a new family

A year later she celebrated her 16th birthday with them and Liam was right.

Ella lived happily ever after

The End

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