Like a moth, I'm drawn to the flame

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The club music was loud in Adam’s ears, the drinks was even stronger on his tongue and lips as his contact covered eyes stared out across the club from where he sat at the corner of the bar, his eyes searching through the crowds for the face that owned the voice he heard.

‘’Adam’’ A voice called out to him softly and he turned, finishing his drink before he nodded, standing he pulled the hood of his cloak back up over his head and headed across the club to where Danni was sat with a few of the others, a smile on his face as he arrived at the table, ‘’See I told you he was didn’t really dress up’’ Danni spoke again as Adam chuckled and unclasped the cloak, pulling it away, he folded it over his arm as he slipped down to sit with them.

‘’A vampire pretending to be a human pretending to be a vampire, what a better disguise’’ A voice spoke out and I grinned slightly before turning to look towards Sutan as he sat in the shadows of the table ‘’But I must say, without the cloak you are looking very fine tonight’’

‘’As yourself Sutan’’ Adam told him with a smile, resting his hands on the table top, he listened as the others fell back in to their conversations.

‘’So how long until you leave’’ Sutan asked and Adam turned to look at him before across to where Danni was sat, a long glass in her hands as her eyes met His,

‘’About another year before we move on’’ Adam told him as he nodded and stared across to him,

‘’Where do you think you will head?’’ Sutan asked again and Adam paused slightly, his head turning as someone past the table,

‘’East probably, a few states over so probably Texas for a bit before moving on to Miami’’ Adam told out, his eyes still out on the dance floor to where he watched a blonde dancing, a laugh on his lips as he tilted his head back slightly.

Adam watched as another man walked up behind the blonde boy, his hands resting on his hips before he spun around and took a step back as Adam sorted through all the voices until he reached the two.

‘’Aw come on baby, you look so good, just a little dance’’ The guy told the blonde as he shook his head,

‘’Look I don’t want too, I came out with my friends for a good time, not to dance with half drunk mess who looks like he went through some hobo’s bin to find his clothes’’ The blonde spoke back, a smile curling the corner of Adam’s lip slightly before he turned back and caught Danni’s eyes.

‘’Im going to get another drink’’ Adam told them before he stood and started to make his way across the floor, the man with the blonde looking up quickly before he met Adam’s eyes and he watched as he swallowed and stepped away and what seemed like to melt in to the crowd as Adam reached the bar and perched himself up on to a bar stool, his eyes moving over everyone sat there before a bar tender walked closer and Adam gave a small nod.

Drink in hand, Adam turned and rested his back against the bar, legs stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles, a hand smoothing down the front of the waist coat which he was wearing as he looked around for the blonde again, quickly he found him stood next to a table, a top hat on his head as he laughed and brought a glass bottle to his lips. Adam’s eyes followed the movements of his throat as he swallowed the liquid down before he lurched forward in laughter, a hand coming up to cover his mouth. Zeroing in to their voices, Adam brought his own drink to his lips as he swallowed softly.

‘’Nah, the guy smelt like death I swear, it really was like he stole some hobo’s clothes for tonight’’ The blonde spoke out and Adam grinned behind his glass slightly.

‘’Boy, when are you going to let yourself go and have some fun...there’s a lot of cute guys about tonight’’ Another male voice spoke out as the blonde shook his head.

‘’I don’t know Brad, I came out with you lot really just for a good time, im not really looking for a pick up’’ A sigh was on the blonde’s lips as a clink of glasses sounded out and Adam glanced over again to see him sat down now, the hat tipped back on his head slightly,

‘’Baby,  you haven’t dated in a long time, you only do hook up’s and the last one was a drag queen honey, you said it yourself, she had a thing for biting’’ A soft laugh escaped the blonde as he sighed and nodded.

‘’Fine, if I see...find or a cute guy finds me, I will see’’ He told back before his fingers reached up for the hat and he pressed it down on to the other guy’s head. ‘’But im going to go dancing before I get even more drunk’’ The blonde laughed out brightly before he moved and slipped away from the table.

Finishing his drink off, Adam placed it behind him on the bar surface before he stood and started to walk across the club’s flooring,

‘’be careful’’ Danni’s voice came across his ears as he nodded slightly, his eyes set on the blonde as he walked.



Warmth was the first thing he felt against his back as he danced, his mind hazy with the beer and whiskey shots which him and his friends had been doing since they had entered the club in celebration of having a good time. He didn’t really care that he didn’t dance all that much, he was a little drunk and a little risk taken but he was enjoying himself for once since the last time he came out.

It had been too long since he let himself go like this.

The warmth didn’t leave his back as he kept dancing, his friends around him before he felt large but gentle hands touch lightly against his sides, staying in a safe place as their breath was felt against the back of his neck. He didn’t really want to dance with anyone but his friends and the first guy who had grabbed him by his hips and tried grinding in to him had dampened his mood slightly but Brad had quickly boosted it back up again and now he was back out on the floor with him, but the hands touching him now was different, they weren’t forcing him to do anything, trying to control his moves or pull him back, they were just holding him, following his steps as he moved to the music which flowed through his ears, the bass deep within his heart as it thudded.

He took a glance towards Brad who promised to stay in front of him and found him staring back, a slight smirk on his face but a hint of jealously in his eyes as he glanced back to the person behind Tommy. He felt safe knowing that he liked the look of the guy and he took the risk of leaning back slightly, the guy behind him noticing his move as his hands slipped around slightly to lay over his the front of his hips lightly, still not controlling his movements.

He wanted to look but found himself worried that if he did, he would freak out, so instead he kept dancing, inching his way back until he felt the other man’s chest flushed with his back, his arms wrapped around Tommy’s waist warmly as they moved together in smooth movements. He felt a little dizzy and at the same time a little like he was at home in the guy’s arms.

Raising an arm up around his neck, Tommy’s fingers touched against soft hair as a pair of soft lips ghosted over the small part of skin behind his ear which sent a chill running through his body which was lightly pulled back against the other again, pliant under the touch, he tilted his head slightly as the lips trailed down the side of this throat lightly, almost not touching as his heart crashed against his chest.

He felt different, more different then he had ever felt with a stranger in the club, he felt like he knew the person but at the same time he didn’t, he felt like he belonged in their arms, their lips against his neck as he threaded his fingers through the back of the strangers hair and pulled him closer before he pulled away a little, the guy letting him as he turned and slowly lifted his brown made up eyes to the face...or lack, he took in the silver mask covering most of it, the purple eyes staring back at him brightly as he moved closer again and moved his arms back around the guy’s neck, a smile on his lips as his hands went back to Tommy’s waist again and pulled him closer with gentle movements, their eyes never once leaving each others before he noticed the guy turn slightly, eyes moving through the dancers before he turned back and smiled at Tommy sweetly, the same feeling of being safe washing over him as he pulled the guy closer and lifted up slightly to brush his lips against the strangers.

Star Light, Star Bright, First Boy I see TonightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora