Let's play tonight

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Leaving the club, Tommy let himself laugh as he draped himself over Brad's side who in turn was mumbling things and laughing too, everything felt so clear to Tommy and he went to turn back to go back in to the club again before a hand moved down on to his shoulder, curling his body in to theirs and away from Brad's.

''Oh good, you can help me take him home'' Brad spoke out to Adam as he glanced up at the masked face, in the lights outside the club, Brad could see the man who had stolen his friend away for the night clearly, their height a difference, broad shoulders and wide hands which held Tommy caringly as if he could be broken.

''I don't think that would be very wise of me to do'' Adam told Brad, his voice low and velvet as he watched Brad stare at him with wide eyes before shivering slightly.

''Oh hush, It is all fine'' He told Adam and he tilted his head slightly before looking down at the boy in his arms, his blonde hair covering his face slightly as he leaned against Adam's chest, eyes half closed as hands held on to his sides.

Adam could hear his pulse running under the surface of his skin, the way it sped up whenever Adam moved his hands on Tommy's body, the way it tempted him with the beating of his heart and Adam knew that he had to leave and feed before he done something which he would regret, watching as Tommy moved, he laughed again, the sound running through Adam's body before the blonde tilted his head up and smiled widely.

''Take me home, protect me from the scary man'' He laughed out as he tried to point towards Brad who was watching them while on the phone.

''I still don’t think that would be wise, I need to leave'' Adam spoke out mainly to Tommy's friend as he rolled his eyes slightly and a car rolled up next to them and he pulled the phone away from his ear, ending the call before pushing it in to his pocket.

''I don’t think you would be able to'' He told Adam as he nodded towards Tommy who had wormed his arms around Adam's waist tighter and he could feel cold fingertips starting to slip under his shirt at the back.

''Fine, I will help you to take him home, but I have to leave as soon as Im no longer needed'' Adam warned him which earned him a raised eyebrow and a small smirk before he pulled the car door open and stepped away for Adam to help Tommy walk closer before getting him inside and slipped in beside him before pulling the door closed.

Ten minutes was all it took for their heartbeats to start getting to Adam in the car, half of him glad that it was quite a large car and that he and Tommy was sat in the very back away from the others, it helped to sooth the ache in his gums a little before he felt a hand creep on to his thigh and a warm body to press against his side, turning his eyes to look down at the blonde, he ran his tongue over his teeth, the feeling of them starting to move to allow his fangs to fall causing him to try and move away from him a little.

Another five minutes was all it took for Tommy to move and straddle Adam’s lap, arms locked around his neck before he moved a hand up and ran it along Adam's jaw line, tilting his head up as Tommy leaned forward and let himself press his lips against the other man's as his arms came up around his waist and pulled him a little closer again.

Adam knew that he was playing a dangerous game with himself and others around him but he couldn’t find himself to pull away from the blonde boy, there was something about him which attracted him to him, more than his looks.

Turning his head slightly, he broke the kiss and moved his lips to the edge of Tommy's jaw as fingers threaded through his hair, inching his lips down until he reached his neck and found the pulse quickly, Adam paused over it and lightly flicked his tongue over the spot before pressing it down and lightly bit at his skin with dull teeth before he moved away again, not trusting himself when the sound of blood ran loud through his ears, teasing his hungry more.

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