Moving on

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A few weeks had gone by before Tommy had bumped in to Adam again, his health was back to normal again and he was heading out of the club as Adam past and they walked in to each other, Adam’s quick hands catching him from falling before he turned and met blue eyes which always seemed to burn in to his soul whenever he had seen them. 

‘’Adam’’ Tommy spoke out on a breath as he smiled brightly, the person he was with almost forgetting before Tommy shifted and looked between the two, ‘’oh sorry, Adam this is a friend, Isaac, Isaac this is Adam’’ Tommy quickly introduced them to each other.

Looking at the other guy, Adam gave a slight nod and watched as Isaac ran his eyes over him and almost stepped closer to the blonde which Adam didn’t like.

‘’How have you been’’ Tommy asked and Adam turned and quickly looked at him as he nodded.

‘’I’ve been busy’’ he told him as Tommy smiled,

‘’Cassidy said you went away for a while, is that why you haven’t been at the club?’’ Tommy asked as he nodded again.

‘’Yeah, had to go to Europe on business for a while, just met with Cassidy a few hours ago’’ Adam told him before he smiled lightly, ‘’I should get going and leave you guys to your date’’ Adam told them quickly, the feeling of needing a feed starting to rise up with the temptation of Tommy again. As he stepped away, he couldn’t help but notice the small smirk on the other boy’s lips before the slight frown which moved over Tommy’s eyes, the look in his eyes fading slightly as he nodded.

‘’Oh okay, see you around soon then?’’ Tommy called out, his question hanging in the air as Adam walked and pulled his keys out his pocket and walked towards the bike which was parked up, the other transport which Adam often enjoyed on late nights when the thrill ran through his bones.

Part of Adam was pissed off that Tommy was with the other guy as he moved the helmet of his bike handles and threw his leg over as he straddled the sleek bike, pushing his key in to the engine, he lifted the helmet and went to pull it on as quick footsteps echoed down the pavement and he turned slightly to see Tommy jogging towards him before slowing to a stop as he got closer to Adam, breath heavy slightly and pulse racing which drove Adam’s hungry higher.

‘’Hey…sorry…tomorrow…’’ Tommy breathed out, ‘’here’’ He asked out and Adam glanced back towards the other guy before he turned back with a slight smirk,

‘’We’ll see’’ He told Tommy before pulling his helmet down over his head and started the engine up on the bike before he raced off, leaving the temptation behind quickly.

Fed and satisfied, Adam swapped the roar of his bike for the soft purr of his car as he headed towards Tommy’s apartment complex again, sitting outside quietly, eyes on the lit up windows, Adam slowly climbed out and locked up before he headed through the building and up to his apartment where he lightly racked his knuckles across the wooden door and stepped away, blue eyes falling down to the bag in his hands before his head snapped up at the sound of the door being opened slightly and a sleepy looking Tommy poked his head out as he rubbed his eyes.

‘’Adam’’ He yawned out,

‘’Sorry, don’t worry, go back to bed, I didn’t mean to disturb you’’ Adam quickly spoke out and moved to walk away as Tommy laughed softly,

‘’No it’s fine, fell asleep on the couch, come in’’ He told him before opening the door wider before he turned and headed off down the hall and out of sight, leaving Adam staring after him before he softly stepped inside and closed the door again.

Following the blonde’s scent through to the living room again, Adam paused and let his eyes glance around as another scent washed over him and he quickly realized that it was the same scent of the boy Tommy had been with earlier, stepping in to the lounge, Adam took in Tommy for the first time since he opened the door to see that he was shirtless, dressed in only loose fitting sweat pants as he flopped back down on to the couch and turned the TV down lower before turning to look towards Adam.

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