Misty Memories

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Come morning, Tommy groaned at the banging which was coming from the front of his apartment, they noise ringing in his ears as he shifted and pulled his covers over his naked form, moments later the knocking was added too by the ringing of his phone which came from beside his bed somewhere and Tommy blindly searched for it until cold, hard metal greeted his fingertips and he picked it up, eyes squinting at the screen to see Brad’s name flashing across it. 

‘’Someone better be dying’’ Tommy grumbled out as he answered to a loud laugh which had him pulling the phone away from his ear.

‘’Yeah, you are if you don’t answer the door’’ Brad joked back,

‘’Key’s under the mat, let yourself in’’ He muttered before breaking the call off and dropped his phone down on his bed side unit as he turned and buried himself back in to his covers again.

‘’Ooooo look what we have here’’ Brad’s high voice rung out from the doorway of Tommy’s room as he shifted and buried his head further under his pillow again with a small groan as laughter ran and then the bed dipped softly beside him, warm hands running over his shoulders. ‘’How are you feeling baby’’ Brad asked softly as Tommy shrugged.

‘’Like death came and decided to play with me’’ Tommy mumbled before he pulled his head out and looked through the semi darkness of his room thanks to his closed blinds to look at his best friend who was smiling down at him.

‘’Oh honey, but how was last night then?’’ He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed which left Tommy confused slightly,

‘’what do you mean?’’ He asked, ‘’I was with you all last night’’

‘’I mean after I dropped you home with Mr. Tall dark and handsome?’’ Brad laughed as Tommy rolled on to his back and pulled the sheets closer to him as he tried to think back but got nothing but misty memories, ‘’Oh don’t say you forgot Tommy, he was gorgeous even with a mask on and the way you were moaning and groaning under him you must have had an very eventful night’’ Brad teased again as Tommy shook his head.

‘’I can’t remember anything but going to the club with you and dancing, Brad you’re the only person I danced with last night apart from that guy who grabbed me ‘’ Tommy spoke out as he sat up and rubbed at his neck softly and looked at his friend, ‘’I would remember if I came home with someone, even if I was drunk I always remember’’ Tommy said as Brad frowned.

‘’Tommy, you came home with a guy, I left you both down at the lobby together, you even handed him your keys’’ Brad told his friend with a worried look before he stood and wondered out the bedroom.

Moments later Tommy looked up from where he slipped some boxers on as Brad walked back in with a glass of water and handed it to Tommy who sat on the bed again, his back against the wall as he sipped at the liquid.

‘’’’We got ready here, left together and went to the club, I had a few drinks and we went to dance, a guy tried grabbing me and grinding in to me, I told him to get lost and told him that he must of gotten his clothes from a homeless person before he walked away.’’ Pausing, Tommy sipped form his water again as he frowned. ‘’We then had a few more drinks again, I remember you pushing my top hat on to my head before I pushed it on to yours again and told you that I was going to dance, you came with me and that was it until we left, I was sat in the back of the car, you were with Isaac up front and then you guys dropped me home and I came up, let myself in and locked up before getting undressed and in to bed’’ Tommy explained to Brad who stared at him confused.

‘’Baby, im telling you the truth’’ he said before pulling his phone out, ‘’Look, you can’t see his face or anything because of the club lights but here’’ He said as he handed Tommy his phone.

Looking down at it, Tommy frowned slightly as he looked at the photo of him and someone dancing together, their arms around his waist while his own was around the other guy’s neck.

‘’Why can’t I remember this guy?’’ Tommy asked before Brad leaned over and swiped his finger across the screen,

‘’I don’t  know but you were letting yourself connect with him’’ He told Tommy as he looked back down to see the photo of the same guy leaning over him, kissing in the back seat. Trying to think back over everything again, Tommy found that his memories was starting to mist up, making him forget further before he shook his head and dropped Brad’s phone on his bed as he rubbed at his eyes…for some reason the photos made something inside of Tommy throb, the feeling of want and need running through his bones before fading out in to mist again.

‘’I can’t remember a single thing about this guy, the more I try to remember last night, the more it mist’s up…what’s going on Brad, why can’t I remember?’’ Tommy asked as he turned to his friend.


‘’You know that leaving him alive was dangerous didn’t you’’ Danni spoke out as she walked in to the room,

‘’I know’’ Adam replied from his place in the armchair, Leg thrown over the arm slightly while the other stretched out across the floor.

‘’If he remembers anything about you, he could find out about us all’’ She said again as her hands picked a dark colored jug up and poured herself a drink.

‘’I know’’

‘’He could be your death’’ She warned as she turned.

‘’I know’’

‘’Adam…im being serious here’’

‘’I know’’ Adam sighed as he rested his head back and stared up at the ceiling of the large house, the plasterwork moving around in gentle swirls of hand carved designs, which he remember clearly being made from when he was a child. Tilting his head, he looked towards his best friend with a smile as she shook her head slightly and sighed.

‘’Sutan is going to want to talk to you too once he finds out the boy is still breathing’’ She said softly as she took the other armchair across from him, a fire blazing in the fire place as he nodded and turned back to the ceiling.

‘’I know’’ He whispered, long fingers stroking over his stomach slightly as he thought about the blonde man he left sleeping in his bed, his skin pale against his sheets, the taste of his blood, sharp and ever so sweet in the afterglow of his orgasm, the weight of his cock on his tongue before he turned back to stare at Danni.

‘’You are going to try and find him again, aren’t you? You know that’s against our rules, they are there so we stay hidden but alive among the humans’’ She asked as they stared at each other for a while.

‘’I know’’ Adam said softly again before he heaved himself up on to his feet and crossed the room in long strides, leaning down, Adam pressed a kiss to Danni’s temple before taking the glass out her hand and swallowed a mouthful down, a small droplet of red running down the crease of his lips before he wiped it away and handed the glass back.

Walking towards the door, he heard Danni let a breath out and he smirked slightly,

‘’I love you Danni and I know what I am doing, im not going to put our families in danger because I can’t stay away from a human’’ Adam spoke out as she smiled.

‘’I know’’ Danni replied which brought a smirk to Adam’s face as he turned and quickly fled the large house and drove away, hands gripping the steering wheel of his car before he quickly found himself parked up outside a group of apartment buildings, eyes watching as two males walked out the doors, one carrying a guitar while the other waved his hands about as he spoke. Smirking to himself, Adam started his car’s engine up again before he quickly drove away and headed back towards the Hollywood hills and to his home.

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