Let the games begin

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The moment Adam pulled in to the long drive way, he could sense that someone had been there and they still were. Fingers tightening round the steering wheel, Adam aimed his car up before pulling it to a stop in his garage, the engine still a purr before it was turned off and he stepped out and closed the door again. Locking it, Adam took his time to walk up to the house and inside again, the front door already unlocked like he knew it would be as he stepped in to the large hallway and pushed it closed behind him. Starting to take his jacket off slowly, Adam tilted his head slightly, his senses on high as he listened to the near silent pace of footsteps in the study lounge upstairs which he often used more than the downstairs one, grinning to himself, he let his jacket be placed on the hook before he turned towards his kitchen and fixed himself a drink before walking towards the stairs.

‘’What the hell do you think you were doing Adam, don’t you know how stupid it is to leave a human alive after feeding from them and sex? ‘’ Sutan’s voice raised as he hit the top of the stairs and turned in to the lounge, the glass at his lips as he sipped and walked across the room, ignoring the other vampire’s stare before he settled himself down in the arm chair, leg thrown over the arm like he had back at the mansion.  ‘’how many times are you going to break our rules in some way’’ he asked before Adam shrugged, a loud sigh leaving the older man’s lips before he walked over and crouched in front of him.

‘’I had to feed Sutan, you know that, you could probably smell it on me the moment I entered the club last night’’ Adam said to Sutan softly, his blue eyes meeting the other mans.

‘’You know I have to see, don’t you?’’ He asked and Adam gave a slight nod before he moved slightly, legs parting more as Sutan slipped closer, a graceful hand touching Adam’s jaw and cheek lightly before he pulled his face forward and lips touched in a light kiss before Sutan’s left and made their way down his jaw to his neck, his touch on Adam’s jaw making him relax before the sharp sting of Sutan’s teeth pierced in to his neck, automatically, Adam’s eyes slid shut as his fingers gripped his father, his maker, his friend’s shoulders as he let his thoughts and memories flow through his blood.

‘’No’’ Sutan roared as he pulled away quickly, teeth making small ribs in Adam’s skin which quickly healed again as Adam’s eyes flickered open to meet Sutan’s,  the trace of Adam’s blood still on his lips as he reached out and swiped his thumb across them, Sutan’s body trembling under his touch.

‘’Sutan’’ He whispered softly as his friend shook his head.

‘’No Adam, I forbid you to go after that…that…thing’’ He spat out,

‘’He is human and his name is Tommy and I will fin-‘’

‘’No’’ Sutan roared again, flying to his feet and away from Adam as his teeth fell again and Adam slowly sat back in the arm chair, his fingers picking up his glass again and pulling it back to his lips again, eyes trained on Sutan as he paced. ‘’You know the rules Adam, we don’t go after the humans when our lives depend on staying hidden-‘’

‘’But what about my wants and needs Sutan?’’ Adam asked as he placed the glass down again and got to his feet, ‘’I can only feed on packaging and animals for so long, I have needs too, fucking gets boring when there isn’t anyone new’’ Adam spat back, turning his back to his creator and friend, Adam walked towards the window where he pressed a hand to the cold glass, the scent of angry and fear coming from Sutan strong before a hand ghosted over the back of his neck as teeth sunk in deeply again and  he let a loud yell of pain out.


‘’Baby, baby, baby’’ Tommy turned towards Brad’s voice and laughed as he saw him walking across the room, a cup of coffee in each hand, breathing out slightly as a phantom feeling moved over the skin of his neck, Tommy rolled his shoulders slightly before he placed his guitar down and took the cup from his friend.

‘’I know, I should take a break’’ Tommy laughed as Brad pursed his lips and placed his hand over his hip.

‘’’A break Tommy, you need a holiday baby’’ Brad laughed as he sat down across from him and crossed his legs, ‘’Anyway, is that a new song im hearing?’’

‘’Of course’’ Tommy replied to him with a grin as he sipped at his coffee and then placed it down on to the side beside him and picked his guitar up again, strumming a few of the cords again, he glanced up to see Brad watching him before returning his eyes to the strings again. ‘’Its not finished yet, not even sure if I want to do anything about it’’ Tommy said before he felt a hand grip his jaw to tilt his head up again until he stared in to Brad’s eyes again.

‘’Baby, if you let that song fade away, you are missing out on the chance of earning big time’’ He told Tommy who sighed before nodding.

‘’Go get the studio ready then twinkle toes’’ Tommy winked out to his friend which earned a playfully slap to his cheek before a kiss to the other as Brad got up and quickly and near enough danced across the large room and vanished off in to a hallway.

A few minutes later found Tommy sat in the middle of a dark room, lit only by a few candles as he perched his guitar on his knee and looked up towards the booth window with a nod, knowing that Brad would be able to see him on the other side of the glass. Breathing out deeply, Tommy felt a shiver run through his body again before he closed his eyes, fingers still on the strings as he felt a strange wave run through his body before the throbbing feeling of need and want spiked through his blood, shaking slightly as his cock pressed against his tight jeans, hidden behind the guitar as Brad’s voice crackled through the speakers telling him that he was ready to record as soon as he wanted to play, nodding to his friend Tommy opened his eyes again and tried to push the feelings away as he focused on the guitar strings and started to play, the tune coming out slow and dark as another phantom feeling rippled across his neck and he paused slightly, light headed before his fingers went numb and the guitar slipped from his hands crashing to the floor with a loud smash before his body followed quickly, lights flicking on before he brought a hand up to his neck and held it against it before his eyes slowly closed and he succumbed to the darkness which seemed to flow out of nowhere to take over his body.

Star Light, Star Bright, First Boy I see TonightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant