Mystery Mask

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Bleep…bleep…bleep…bleep the sounds slowly seeped through to his hearing as brightness filled his vision, it felt like that he was wearing a mask of white before his eyes slowly flickered open to an equal brightness.

‘’Oh god, Tommy baby your awake thank god, lord Jesus Christ’’ A voice broke out from beside him as he slowly blinked before turning to see Brad sat beside him looking like a state.

‘’Never knew you took the lords name in vain’’ Tommy croaked out slightly, his voice broken and scratchy and throat sore.

‘’Never knew you cared about that you atheist scum’’ Brad smirked out, no heat in his voice as he reached over and took Tommy’s hand in his tightly.

‘’Can…can I get some water?’’ Tommy asked as he looked around again, eyes taking in his surroundings for the first time before flashes of the studio went across his mind…the candles…the phantom feelings…the pain in his neck before he fell…the darkness.

‘’You gave us such a scare baby’’ Brad told him after he had been helped to sit up and had a small drink of water, ‘’when you went down…god I didn’t know what to think’’ He gasped out and Tommy turned to look at his friend confused before there was a knock on the door and a doctor came walking in, a clipboard in his hands as he smiled brightly.

‘’It’s good to see you awake Tommy, how are you feeling?’’ The doctor asked and Tommy sighed softly.

‘’Like I’ve been running around in circles with death’’ Tommy admitted, earning a small laugh from both the doctor and Brad, ‘’what happened to me?’’  He asked as the doctor looked the paperwork over with a sigh.

‘’Do you have any history with depression or self harm?’’ He asked and Tommy shook his head, ‘’any history with drug abuse?’’

‘’No, I only ever use over the counter drugs prescribed by the doctor for insomnia’’ Tommy said quietly, voice still rough.

‘’Look I’ve already told you all this before when Tommy was brought in’’ Brad gasped out again in annoyance,

‘’Mr. Bell as we explained before, because you aren’t family we aren’t allowed to tell you his medical details. But now Mr. Ratliff is awake, it is his choice.’’

‘’He can hear’’ Tommy said softly which earned a soft squeeze around his hand from Brad.

‘’well Tommy, as your friend here might of told you or if you remember, you collapsed at work. When you arrived we took you in and ran multiple tests to find out the cause of your collapse,’’ The doctor sighed slightly and Tommy frowned, ‘’we are a little confused’’

‘’What do you mean confused, what’s wrong with me?’’

‘’Well we tested for all the normal diseases and you are clear although you did have a high caffeine count which might of caused the collapse as you blood is…well the only way I can say this son is, your missing blood.’’

‘’Missing blood, how can he be missing it’’ Brad asked as the doctor shook his head,

‘’We don’t know, the normal human male body holds between 10- 12 pints of blood, we can take a few pints at the most but Tommy is missing at least 8. The amount of caffeine which you had taken in effected with what was left and caused you to collapse’’ Sitting in silence, Tommy frowned confused with what he had been told, ‘’I know it sounds strange, we was shocked ourselves when we realized, and technical you should be near death, but we put you on a blood transfusion and brought the levels back up to a healthy amount, we want to keep you in for a little longer today but hopefully you can be discharged later on tonight’’ Nodding to him, Tommy glanced towards Brad who looked just as confused still.

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