Ground Control And Goodbyes

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‘’Didn’t I tell you to stay away from the human Adam and you go and feed from him again!’’ Sighing softly, Adam leaned back in to the arm chair, his fingers crossed over his stomach and head rested against the top of the chair as Sutan paced the wooden floor in front of him, ‘’I warned you Adam and Cassidy warned you away from his friend yet you still continued to get closer and you go and fuck him and feed, do you know how that could’ve ended?’’ He asked. 

‘’He could’ve realized what I was and it could’ve gotten out, I know Sutan, I know but Tommy isn’t like that, he’s different’’

‘’He’s human Adam, a god damn Human’’ He yelled out as Adam rolled his eyes and let them close,

‘’I can’t stay away from him when I know where he is’’ Adam simply replied, his voice leveled and calm as Sutan growled.

‘’No, that’s why im sending you away’’ He spoke out; opening his eyes quickly, Adam stared across to the elder vampire before he stood and took a few steps towards him.

‘’You can just send me somewhere else to live when you feel like it Sutan, this is my home and im not going to just move because you can’t handle a vampire wanting to be with a human’’ Adam finally yelled back. His own confession shocking both Sutan and himself as he took a few steps back and in to the arm chair again as Sutan turned to stare at him with wide eyes,

‘’That’s all for more reason for you to leave Adam’’ Sutan told him gravely before he turned and left the room quickly, his movement full of grace as Adam let his eyes fall to the floor before he pushed away and got to his feet, in a way Adam knew that Sutan was right in saying that he should go away, let Tommy forget about him for both of their safeties.

Leaving the main house, Adam walked out to his car and unlocked it, his mind going a thousand thoughts a second as he climbed inside and started it.

Driving away with Sutan’s words still clear in his mind, Adam managed to get his car through the busy streets and parked up outside Tommy’s apartment where he sat watching the window for a while, glancing away Adam took notice of a small figure walking along the street in his car mirror before he climbed out and started to head towards the apartment entrance.

‘’Adam…what…what are you doing here?’’ Turning towards the figure he had seen, a soft smile fell over Adam’s face as he realized that it was Tommy.

‘’Actually I came to see you, had to tell you something’’ Adam told him as Tommy frowned slightly but nodded.

‘’Alright, lets go upstairs, I’ll make some coffee’’ He grinned as Adam chuckled softly and nodded,

‘’Yeah sure, it sounds good’’ he told him as he pushed his keys in to his pocket and followed Tommy inside and through the building until they reached the apartment.

‘’So what’s going on, you seem nervous slightly, don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this before’’ Tommy teased as he handed a cup of coffee over to the taller man, his blue eyes rising up to meet his own before he offered a slight smile.

‘’Thanks, I don’t know, just a lot of things with work’’ Adam told him with a sigh,

‘’is that why you left early this morning?’’ Tommy teased a smile on his face as the other man nodded slightly.

‘’Yeah, sorry about that, I don’t normally just leave before people wake up’’ Adam sighed before taking a sip from his coffee,

‘’I don’t mind, I mean you came back’’ Tommy grinned, his brown eyes catching in the sun light slightly as Adam chuckled,

‘’Yeah about that…I’ve come back to say goodbye actually’’ He said quietly as he looked up at the blonde, his face dropping slightly as he let a small ‘oh’ sound out. ‘’my work needs me to move a few states over for a while’’ He told him as Tommy looked down and nodded slightly.

‘’We can still talk right? I mean like on the phone and maybe sometimes come to see each other?’’ He asked and Adam sighed.

‘’I don’t know Tommy, im going to be busy for quite a while, but I will get in contact the moment im free’’ Adam told him as he sighed, putting the cup down, Adam stood and walked over to the couch where Tommy was sat before sitting down beside him, a hand moving up to cup his jaw and lift his eyes to meet his, ‘’I like you Tommy, I really do and I wish I didn’t have to leave so soon’’ Adam told him truthfully as Tommy nodded softly.

‘’I like you too Adam’’ He whispered softly, a small smile on his lips before he leaned closer and softly brushed his lips over Adams.

Pulling him closer to his body, Adam wrapped his arms around the human’s waist and pulled him in to his lap as he sat back against the couch, their lips touching softly as his hands slipped up the back of Tommy’s shirt and pressed flat against his shoulder blades.

‘’Fucking hell, always the wrong time’’ Tommy groaned as a knocking started on the front door.

‘’Go answer it, I will still be here when you get back’’ Adam said softly, a small smile on his lips as Tommy sighed and pressed one last kiss against his lips and got up.

‘’Adam, I wasn’t expecting you here’’ Turning at the sound of Cassidy’s voice as well as Brad’s snicker, Adam rose to his feet and smiled softly, ‘’I thought you were seeing Sutan about work today?’’ Cassidy asked as he nodded.

‘’I did and actually I only came by to say goodbye to Tommy’’ Adam spoke out before Cassidy’s eyebrow rose slightly,

‘’Goodbye?’’ He asked as Adam nodded,

‘’His work needs him to move away for a while’’ Tommy grumbled out as he walked back over and leaned in to Adam, his arms moving around his waist as Adam let his rest on his shoulders softly, eyes on Cassidy as he nodded slightly.

‘’Sutan needs me up in Chicago for a while’’ Adam spoke out as Cassidy nodded.

‘’How long?’’ He asked and Adam shook his head,

‘’I have no idea’’ Adam sighed and Tommy looked up at him before tightening his arms around his waist, he didn’t want Adam to leave even though he knew he couldn’t stop him.

‘’When are you leaving’’ He asked before he saw Adam turn to look at him and swallow slightly,

‘’Later tonight’’ He told him before Tommy let him pull him closer in to a hug, the feeling of his lips soft against his temple.

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