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"So." Rydel sat down, mocha in her hands. "How's training going?"

"It's alright. I get really tired right after though, it kills me." I smiled, fiddling with my scarf. My friends stared me down. "What?"

"Is that it?! No I refuse to believe that you and Ross are just good friends and he is simply helping you get through recruitment." Sierra pursed her lips.

"I believe there is nothing else to believe."

"Lies." Casey now hopped onto the bandwagon. I rolled my eyes. "Can't you see how far up your ass he is- in a good way of course, and he barely ever lets people near you. Or at least when you guys are together."

"Not at all! He isn't that possessive."

"I know my brother well, and I can tell when he likes someone, and I know he likes you." Rydel grinned. "And you guys would just be so cute together!"

I was ready to intervene when my phone rang. The girls cooed. "It's not him! It's a..private number? Hello..?"

"You thought you could get away easily, Athena." It was Matthew. I drowned, standing up. "Don't move. I will kill you."

"Where are you?"

"Everywhere. You can run as far as you want, Athena, but you surely can't hide." He chuckled. "And Blondie can't protect you."

"Leave him out of this before I decide to find your sorry ass and shoot a couple dozen down your throat." I hissed.

"Well, he is now. Actually, you all are." and he hung up. Shit. I stepped up on the table, hearing distant gunshots.

"Everybody down! Everybody, get down!"

Rookie mistake. As bullets were shot in through a passing car, one hit me my stomach, reaching a level of pain I did not ever need to come across. I clamped a hand over the blood pouring down my shirt and jeans, and reached for the Glock in my handbag, opening the door with my foot.

My energy was already low once I reached the cool October air, but I gathered enough strength to aim and shoot twice, hitting the driver who crashed into a streetlight, his car soon enveloped in flames.

The girls reached me just as I could no longer hold myself up. Or my eyes open.


I came to my senses already feeling altered. There was a metallic taste in mouth, a cannula on my face and the tubes attached to my arms.

There was a patch of pain on my lower abdomen, where it's centre was numb; I assume it was the wound. Around it, was very sore.

I peeled open my eyes, pulling medical equipment off me vigorously. Two hands landed on the one ready to peel the IV off my skin.

"You really don't want to do that yourself. It will hurt." Ross smiled.

"I need to go. Now." I sat up.

"No, you need to rest, now." He copied my tone. "Can you remember what happened?"

"Hell yeah I can, white boy! They're to get us all, for me. This is why I didn't want to come back; look at how many people could've been killed today! Luckily, I only got shot."

"Only?! You've been out for 6 hours." Ross replied. "And who are these people?"

I sighed. "Remember I.C.E., where I used to work? Well, I signed a contract that basically meant they 'owned' me for 16 years, and I kind of left 13 years early."

"But they're little. We don't even know about them. I'm sure we can take them on."

"I.C.E. is not nice- laugh and I'll stab you- they're devoted to killing criminals. They know my weaknesses and it's a matter of time before they come for me." I sighed. "The last thing I need is to worry that they'll come for the ones I love because I'm here."

"I won't let them. Let it be me against nuclear weapons, or me against one person. I will refuse to give you up again, and they will have to go through this whole compound." He said, genuinely looking as if down for business.

"Why? Why go through all the hassle for somebody who doesn't even deserve you because you're so kind and continuously putting others before you and I'm so selfish and ugh-"

"Because I love you."

That shut me up fast (no pun intended). I simply looked at him gobsmacked, the monitor beside me slowly picking up as he held my hand in his.

Casey ran in as the damn machine went crazy, but I couldn't bring myself to look away from his mesmerising eyes.

She giggled quietly, before walking away. "Same."

I finally looked away. "I wish you didn't have to see me like this."


"I don't look on fleek."

Ross did his flat-out, hilarious high-pitched giggle which even set me off slightly. "You're always on fleek."

the ideas for this book holy crap

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