Chapter 1

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Dear Haruhi,

I know it's my turn to play Hostess to you this summer, and I always enjoy it each year; you're a wonderful house guest :)

But this year, I have an idea for something a little different. For my foreign studies, I need to spend a few weeks abroad in the country whose language I'm studying, and so do you, if I remember correctly ;) So maybe instead of us just visiting each other like usual, we could switch places. I'll live in your house, you'll live in mine, my family and friends will become yours, and vice versa. I mean, we've both been to the other's country, but never lived there in the same lifestyle as a citizen there would. Being a guest is one thing, and actually living there is another. Just think how exciting it could be!

Sorry, I'm getting a little over excited myself X)

And sorry if I seem a little pushy, or overbearing :P I just really need to get out of this house, out of this country even, since the accident.

Either way, I can't wait to see you again! Tell your dad I said hi, and give him a hug for me :)

Your friend,

Bunny (:3

Dear Bunny,

That sounds like an awesome idea! Yeah, I should go over to America, my foreign studies requires it, too. Not to mention, it would also look good on our college applications. Dad would love to have you over again-he loves the shopping trips, because you'll actually wear those girly clothes.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just don't like to. You know that.

As for the whole family and friends thing... I guess it's time for you to meet the Host Club. They'll probably try to kidnap you a few times from Dad, so you might wanna watch out for them.

Especially for Tamaki-senpai. Beware the puppy dog eyes, Bunny. They'll suck you into the deep abyss, and before you know it, you find yourself saying yes to whatever he wants. He seems like an idiot, but I think it's just a façade to lower your defenses so he can get what he wants.

Just call when you can, and we'll get all of the travel stuff straight.

See you soon!



Riiing. Riiing. Riiiiiing.

A blond-haired girl came running from the other side of her house, barely reaching the phone before the answering machine.


"Hey, Bunny!" The girl's face lit up.

"Haruhi! It's so good to hear your voice again!" On the other end of the phone, Haruhi couldn't help but to smile at her American friend's enthusiasm.

"It's good to hear yours too, Bunny. I'm calling about us trading places. When do you want to do it? I'm sorry, hold on - shut up you guys!"

Bunny jumped at Haruhi's outburst and increase in volume, holding the phone slightly away from her.

On the other end of the phone, Haruhi fussed at Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Do what, Haruhi?" asked Hikaru.

"She can't tell, it's a secret," said Kaoru.

"Oh, c'mon, Haruhi."

"You can tell us anything, y'know." They got on either side of her, arms around her waist. "It can be our secret," they whispered in her ears.

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