Chapter 2

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"Ugh, Dad, quit it!" Bunny's father was trying to squeeze the life out of her by giving her a so-called hug.

"Flight number 114, now boarding."

"Well, that's you, kiddo." He rumpled his daughter's light blond hair, the shade exactly like his. Their matching blue eyes met, both filled slightly with sadness.

"Hey, I'll be back in two weeks," said Bunny with a smile. "And while I'm gone, you'll have Haruhi to keep you company." They both smiled.

"You go easy on her dad and her friends, okay? Don't let those boys touch you in any way!"


He pushed her in the direction of her plane before she had a chance to say anything else.

"Go," he said with a smile. "If you don't hurry, I might change my mind about letting you go to Japan." He winked and she smiled, finally boarding her plane.

*Hours later, at an airport in Japan*

Haruhi and her father were waiting for Bunny's plane to arrive. They had to sneak out without telling the Host Club so they wouldn't somehow worm their way into going with them. There was no way Haruhi was going to do that to Bunny. All that male attention at once would overwhelm her.

Bunny was a pretty girl, but the boys she went to school with never really paid her much attention. In the American stereotype, it didn't make sense because she was a blue-eyed blond. She hated when people made assumptions about her just because of her appearance. She thought blond jokes were funny, but hated when they were directed straight at her, even though she had plenty of blond moments. Plus, she was shy around people she didn't know very well. Instead of thinking she was shy; they just assumed she was stuck up, so they left her alone.

"Flight 114, now landing." Haruhi checked the piece of paper she held in her hand.

"Hey, Dad, I think that's her flight."

"Oh?" They watched the immense crowd, waiting to see Bunny among them. It was a little difficult, because of her small height, but her blond hair against the sea of brown and black made it easier. "Hey, there she is!" Ranka spotted her first. He started waving enthusiastically, calling out her name. "Bunny! Yoo-hoo!"

"Dad, people are staring," said Haruhi, slightly embarrassed, but she was glad to see Bunny, too. Bunny looked up at the sound of her name, her eyes lighting up when she saw those two familiar faces.

"Oh my god, Haruhi!" She ran to Haruhi, dropped her carry-on bag and practically tackled her, giving her a hug in the same fashion as Bunny's father had earlier. The two girls laughed, feeling the joy of being reunited with a dear friend. "Oh my gosh, your hair!" she said, touching it. "It's so short!" They both laughed again.

"Yeah, but I like it."

"Oh, I like it too! It looks great on you." Bunny just couldn't stop smiling.

"And where's my hug, little girl?" Haruhi's father tried to look angry, but the huge grin plastered in his face ruined it.

"Right here!" Bunny tackled him just like she did to Haruhi. "Gah, I missed you two so much! Is that a new dress?" she asked after Ranka released her.

"Why yes, yes it is." He seemed proud that she noticed.

"Bunny, we've got a cab waiting," said Haruhi.

"Oh, let me go get my bags."

"I'll help."

"You girls go on ahead, I'll make sure no one steals our cab," said Ranka with a smile.

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