Chapter 5

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Bunny couldn't get back to sleep. No matter how hard she tried, she just was just laying there. After Ranka left for work she moved into the living room, doing nothing but drumming her fingers on the table. She looked around the house and started to notice that it was a mess.

Ranka must've really been in a hurry to get to work - he left his make-up scattered all over the place.

Bunny sighed then began to clean the house. She started with Ranka's vast make-up collection, since it was spread all over the house.

"Ugh, this is gonna take hours," she said as she scooped up an armful of individual eye shadow pots. Doesn't he know these things come in palettes?

***At the Hitachiin Mansion***

"This would look better!" Hikaru held up a peachy-pink dress with sheer long sleeves. Black lace encircled the dress and sleeves, stopping an inch before the two-tiered ruffled skirt.

"No, this would!" Kaoru held up a sleeveless cornflower-blue dress. The front and back of the dress was pin tucked and the slightly flared skirt was adorned with flowers.

Hikaru snorted in contempt.

"Oh, please, Kaoru. The skirt on that dress is too full! It would completely overwhelm her small frame!"

"That's not true!" shouted Kaoru, defending his choice. "Your dress would completely wash out any color in her face!"

"Oh yeah? Well at least my dress is figure flattering. Yours would give her no shape!"


"Boys, boys!" interrupted Tamaki, who had been watching them bicker for some time now. "Isn't the point of this to make Bunny happy? If she were here, I'm sure you would have the opposite effect."

"Yeah, true," they grumbled. "Which do you like best, boss?"

"I think that's up to her," he said with a smile. Those dumb doppelgangers-I'm not falling for their trap to help them. The whole fight was a fake, I know it was!

"So, boss," said Hikaru, his dress choice packaged neatly in a brightly colored bag.

"What are you gonna do for Bunny?" asked Kaoru, folding his arms. Tamaki smirked.

"Something more than just give her a couple of dresses. What I'm going to do, money can't buy."

"Oh?" Hikaru and Kaoru exchanged a look.

"Yes, it will be fantastic! Bunny and I will have perfect father/daughter bonding today! We will become inseparable!"

In the Theatre of Tamaki's Mind

Tamaki said something silly, and Bunny leaned her head back and laughed as she never had before as they strolled down a beach together.

"Wow, Tamaki!" she said in surprise, a smile lighting up her face. She pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Haruhi never told me how funny you are!"

"Yes, it's one of my many talents," he said, smiling down at her. "Along with being a kind and caring father." Bunny nodded in agreement.

"Tamaki, I know this may seem weird and all because we just me, but I feel so close to you already! I look up to you as... well... as a father."

"Oh, Bunny!" Tamaki swept her up into a hug, the two of them laughing with joy as he spun her around. "Come on, I'll give you a piggyback ride!"


"Um, boss?" Tamaki was hugging himself, completely smitten with whatever thought was in his head, laughing and drooling slightly. Hikaru looked at Kaoru, then back at Tamaki.

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