Chapter 14

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Haruhi was barely able to sleep the night before, too excited for the day ahead of her. The nearby university was well known for its law program and she felt it wouldn't be a bad idea to see what the US had to offer, though she wasn't currently planning on attending school outside of Japan. Bunny had suggested she visit when they talked about how they'd spend their time in each other's countries. Haruhi knew there would be a festival soon and wondered if Bunny would be going. If the Host Club knew about it, then it was a definite possibility.

"Good morning, kiddo," Jack greeted Haruhi as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He offered the carafe to her and she gladly accepted it. "I was thinking we'd head out in another hour or so. There's a great diner nearby, so we can break for lunch after the tour. They've got the best burgers in town."

Even though it was only morning, Haruhi's stomach grumbled. Her mouth watered at the thought of a perfectly seasoned beef patty, nestled between lightly toasted buns and accompanied by golden fries. She began drinking her coffee with enthusiasm.

"Let's get going!"


If it weren't for the promise of food later, Haruhi would have happily spent the day exploring the college campus. The students and professors were so dedicated to their work and the library was actually quiet. There were even small study rooms available for reservation for complete focus in finals week. During the tour Haruhi had managed to refrain from gushing about the school but in between bites of her cheeseburger she couldn't help herself any longer.

"I can't - chomp - remember the last -gulp- time I saw a library - munch - that was so quiet." She paused to take a long sip of her soda. Jack laughed and whether it was at her voracious appetite for her food or the school wasn't clear.

"Well, libraries tend to be pretty quiet. They're intended for studying."

"Not the ones at Ouran Academy," Haruhi snorted. "Sure, there's four of them -- and the book selection is the best I've ever seen-- but there's always so many people it's hard to find a seat. Even when the rooms are less crowded they're so intent on socializing the noise level is ridiculous. It's nearly impossible to get any work done." Despite her complaints, Haruhi smiled faintly as she remembered that the lack of study space was what led her to meet the Host Club. They certainly were a, um, colorful bunch, but life would certainly be bland without them. Spending time with them helped open her eyes to many new things. The club's Christmas party taught her how to dance and granted her the chance to eat some fancy tuna-though the antics of the club members ended up granting her a first kiss instead.

"There's such an eclectic mix of students at Ouran Academy, and the Host Club certainly makes each day an adventure..."

"Seems like you met some great people though," Jack said with a smile.

"Sometimes they're a real handful," Haruhi replied. She couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes, inciting laughter from Bunny's father. "But you're right - I have met some great people, and I've made even better friends, eccentricities and all." Haruhi smiled softly as she thought of them. "I do miss them, but it's nice to have a change of pace. Hopefully Bunny's enjoying herself and isn't too overwhelmed."

"I really can't thank you enough for being a good friend to Bunny. She's not the best at making friends, and when her mother left, she just had a hard time letting new people in." Jack smiled at Haruhi. "I'm glad you signed up for the pen pal program. She really considers you one of her closest friends."

Haruhi smiled back. "Bunny's a good friend, too. The program was something I joined because my teachers said it would improve my chances of getting into Ouran Academy-- but I was really skeptical about anyone actually keeping up with it. I'm happy I was matched with Bunny; she completely changed my mind about it and made it seem like fun. My schoolwork and preparing for my career is very important to me, so sometimes I get caught up and don't socialize much. When I got that gum stuck in my hair and joined the Host Club, I started dressing more like a dude. I don't care what people think about me, but my dad is always trying to get me to wear more girly clothes. I know he means well, but it gets old and I'm tired of how he always repacks my overnight bags." Haruhi didn't hate feminine clothing, but she was fed up with finding them in her closet at every turn with her preferred clothes suddenly nowhere to be found. Ranka seemed to have a bad habit of making them disappear.

"But Bunny... she's always supported my choices. I don't think she realizes it but that's something that really means a lot to me. I know she thinks that if she isn't actively doing something then she's not doing enough, but I don't need a lot. Bunny accepts me the way I am, without any questions, and that's more than enough for me."

The two of them thoughtfully ate in silence for a few moments. There was something Haruhi was concerned about, but she wasn't sure if bringing it up with Jack was the best idea.

If I want some answers though, there's not really anyone else I can ask.

"Jack, Bunny's... different. I mean, considering what happened with Peter, it makes sense, but there's something else."

Jack slowly set down his burger, wiping his hands on a paper napkin before speaking.

"I know, I can see it too." He sighed, unsure of what to say. "Losing Pete... it's gonna take a long time to get over that - I'm not sure if we ever really will." Jack paused to clear his throat and Haruhi chose this moment to inspect what little food was left on her plate, giving him what privacy she could. "These things take time. We'll never forget him, but after a while the pain - it'll hurt a little less. We still have so many - so many wonderful memories. I could have lost Bunny as well, so easily... Every day I'm thankful that she made it. She seems to know how close she was to dying and that's enough to scare anyone. I've tried talking to her, but she won't admit that there's anything wrong. So I guess... I guess the best I can do it to just make sure she knows I'm here for her."

Jack cleared his throat once more and rubbed his eyes forcefully. Haruhi wasn't quite satisfied with what he had to say - she was sure there was something else, but knew it wouldn't be a good idea to push it.

Their waitress suddenly appeared as if she'd noticed the drop in mood. "Hey, anyone save room for pie?"

Author's Note:
So, there you have it, a little bit of an explanation as to how Haruhi and Bunny met, with her loved ones showing some concern over her. Have you noticed anything worrying about Bunny, or do you think that in time she'll be fine?
I also just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who's read this so far. This was the first fan fiction I wrote that I put so much thought and planning into, and also the first I've posted on wattpad. Thank you all so much for your support!

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