Chapter 6

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"Um, guys? I can't honestly say I'm completely comfortable with this." After Bunny changed back into her clothes from earlier, the twins blindfolded Bunny and tossed her into the back of their limo at Tamaki's command. She was now nestled in between the two troublemakers, blindfold still in place, wearing a confused and slightly afraid expression. Kyoya, Honey, Mori, and Tamaki were sitting across from them.

"Oh, come now, Bunny!" said Tamaki, gazing adoringly at her, although it was useless because she couldn't see him through the blindfold. "You can trust us. Don't you like surprises?"

Bunny wasn't sure if she should answer his question or not.

"Um... no, not really...."

Tamaki acted as if he had not heard her.

"It's going to be so much fun, Bunny! Of course we won't be able to spend too much time here because none of us are properly dressed, but we can come back when you want." This made Bunny raise an eyebrow, but this was her only response.

"Oh, we're heeeerrre!" Tamaki sang before long. Bunny reached to undo her blindfold, but the twins stopped her.

"Nah-uh-uh," said Hikaru.

"It's still a surprise. You have to wait for Tamaki-senpai to take it off," said Kaoru. Bunny sighed, but it came out as more of a huff.

The chauffeur got out and opened the door for Tamaki. Tamaki got out and pulled Bunny out by the hand.

"Hey, we could've gotten out then, Boss," said Hikaru grumpily.

"Nah-ah, ladies first, my good men," said Tamaki, smiling down at Bunny graciously. Once again, his action was wasted because of her blindfold. Her face was blank, devoid of emotion.

But on the inside, she felt like she was standing on a plank of wood in rough waters, uncertain and unsteady.

The rest of the boys filed out of the car and the chauffeur left to park the vehicle. Honey ran ahead of everyone, laughing and jumping around, Mori standing not too far away. Kyoya turned away from them and took out his notebook. Kaoru and Hikaru disappeared, most likely getting into some type of mischief. Tamaki took Bunny by the hand and led her ahead.

"This way, Bunny, just a little but further!" He led her at a slow pace so she wouldn't trip on anything.

A salty scent began to fill the air with each step they took, as did the sound of crashing waves. Bunny's stomach began to twist with discomfort as she began to get an idea of where she was.

"Okay, I'm going to take the blindfold off now. Are you ready?"

Bunny nodded, gripping the hem of her shirt tightly in her fists. She gasped as the blindfold fell away and allowed her to see.

It was a beach. The sun shone brightly down on them, making the sandy shores seem to glitter. The sea glistened as waves gently rolled onto the shore, creating a calming, rhythmic sound. Tamaki breathed deeply, sighing in content.

Bunny slowly scanned the area, taking every bit in. Her eyes began to fill with moisture.

"Tamaki... can we go now?"

"Huh?" He stopped, mid-stretch, and looked down at her, a puzzled look splashed across his face. "What do you mean, Bunny? We just got here-"

She looked up at him, eyes wet. A single tear spilled down her cheek as she blinked.

Tamaki's breath caught in his chest; this was the exact opposite reaction he was looking for. Without speaking, he grabbed her and pulled her close to him in an embrace. He smoothed her hair down as she clung to the front of his shirt.

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