Chapter 9

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"See, Bunny, see?" Tamaki gestured excitedly to the beautifully vast garden. A table, set for eight with beautiful fine china (made of the finest gold-rimmed porcelain) and lavishly decorated with centerpieces made of fresh white roses and unlit candles, was covered with a delicate tablecloth that fluttered in the breeze underneath the airy canopy that had been set up. The sun reflected off of the magnificent chandelier (that had somehow been attached to the canopy) and cast rainbows down upon them. Some of Tamaki's servants were playing as a string quartet, just to add that extra touch of elegance. Bunny decided to not comment on how the picnic was so unlike a picnic.

"Why is there an extra place set?" She asked as Tamaki pulled her chair out for her.

"It's for Usa-chan!" Honey said brightly.

"Oh, of course," Bunny said with a smile.

Once they were all seated, Tamaki's servants brought out the food and they began to eat.

"So, Bunny, what do you think? Is this a good picnic?" Tamaki asked excitedly.

Before she answered, Bunny imagined what a picnic usually was back home: a large, brightly colored blanket spread out on a grassy hill or bit of land; home cooked meals that consisted of things like fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and blueberry cobbler served on paper plates and cans of soda. A Frisbee was usually tucked away in the basket, along with a book or two.

Then Bunny looked back at what was around her.

"Uh, well..."

Tamaki's eyes glittered expectantly.

Kyoya smirked, hiding his amusement behind the mysterious sheen of his glasses.

Hikaru and Kaoru grinned at each other, then at Bunny.

Mori chewed with contentment, and Honey smiled at Bunny, a smudge of cake icing on his cheek.

"It is... unlike any picnic I've ever been to."

It was as if fireworks were lit inside Tamaki. He was overjoyed beyond words.

While he was in the process of coddling a very disgruntled Bunny, Kyoya checked his watch.

"I hate to break this up," he said, his voice obviously stating the opposite, "but it's beginning to get a bit late. We would hate to have Bunny in trouble with her host father."

Tamaki was reluctant to relinquish his iron grip on Bunny, but Daddy always listens to Mommy.

Feeling much more comfortable in her own clothes and very sleepy due to a full tummy, Bunny was glad to be going back to the apartment. Secretly, she was also sad to be leaving the Host Club (she was hesitant to call them friends yet), but she wasn't going to tell them that.

But she couldn't go to bed just yet. The entire Host Club insisted on escorting her back, and was waiting as she searched her pockets for the key. A sinking feeling crept into her stomach as she checked her pockets again, not finding it the first time.

"Uh... I can't find my key." A wave of exasperation went through the group.

"This wouldn't have happened it Haruhi was here," Hikaru muttered to Kaoru. Tamaki elbowed him sharply in the ribs.

"Maybe the landlady has a spare," Bunny said hopefully.

"Can I help you?" A woman suddenly appeared, seemingly out of thin air. She looked at Bunny's shocked face and laughed. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to startle you."

"Oh no, it's fine," laughed Bunny. "Ah, I seem to have lost my key."

"Oh! You're the Fujioka's guest, aren't you?" She and Bunny shook hands. "I'm Mrs. Takahata, the landlady."

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