Chapter 3

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"You'll never be able to get rid of him now," Kyoya told Bunny as he pushed up his glasses, smirking at her and Tamaki.

"I know," she sighed.

"You also never formally introduced yourself," he said, smirking yet again.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She sat up straight. "My name is Bunny Marie Lapin. I just got out of my sophomore year in high school."

"Hey, you're our age," the twins chimed. "Awesome."

"That name sounds French," said Tamaki, sounding interested. "Is it?"

"It is," she said with a nod and a smile. "My grandmother is still in France."

"What about your grandfather?"

"He died soon after my brother was born."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." What shocked Bunny was that he really looked it.

"No, it's okay," she said with a smile. "He had cancer and had been suffering for many years. He was holding out to see his only grandson born. After Peter was born, he died in peace."

"So, you say you have a little brother?" asked Kyoya, his pencil pausing for a moment.

"Yeah. Pete turned ten last March." Bunny smiled, but then noticed Kyoya writing down what she said. "Um, why are you writing that down?"

"As you stated earlier, I never stop writing in my 'little black book'," he replied, smirking at her over his glasses. "I make it my business to know everyone else's. I need to know if associating myself with you with harm or benefit me."

Everybody stopped eating.

"Sorry about that," said Kaoru, scratching the back of his head.

"He can be cold like that," said Hikaru, doing the same thing.

Bunny laughed.

"It's not really all that cold. It's quite intelligent."

Kyoya smiled.

"Why, thank you."

"Others may call it being nosy."

Kyoya stopped smiling and stared at her. She smiled and took another bite of cake, turning her attention to the twins.

"I can't tell which twin is which right now." They grinned mischievously.

"I'm Hikaru," said Kaoru.

"And I'm Kaoru," said Hikaru.

Bunny frowned.

"No, you're not." They stopped grinning.

"But you said you couldn't tell!" they chimed.

"I couldn't until you smiled," she said, smiling herself. "I know how you two can be-Haruhi's told me all about you guys, and the rest of you too."

"AWW, you talk about Daddy?!"


Back to the sulking corner.

A few hours went by and Bunny slowly reverted back to being her shy self. She didn't mind though; she liked to observe, and loved to see the boys interact with each other and Haruhi. She was amazed at how each and every one of them was exactly how Haruhi had described them, down to the very last detail.

Maybe she wasn't shy, just observant, more so than others.

Mori looked at Bunny out of the corner of his eye, interested by her silence. Honey said something and they all laughed, Bunny in particular. Honey flopped over and laid his head in her lap, looking up at her with the cheesiest grin in the world. She seemed taken aback at first, but then smiled back down at him and began stroking his hair.

She must be okay if Mitsukuni likes her so much. He's safe with her.

Bunny felt someone's eyes on her and looked up, catching Mori's gaze. They both flinched and turned their heads quickly, turning red. Honey noticed.

"Huh?" Then he saw Mori's face. A sly grin crept onto his face, not unlike a Hitachiin smile. It sent shivers down Haruhi's spine. "Ohh, Takashi. You must think Bunny's really pretty to be blushing so badly." Both people turned even redder. Bunny covered her mouth with her hand, something she did when she was embarrassed, shocked, or trying to hide a smile.

"No! I mean, uh, yeah, she's pretty, but that's not-- I mean, uh-" He abruptly stopped talking and stared and the floor, silent once more. The whole room was quiet; everyone except Bunny was staring at Mori. Having all of the attention focused on him started to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, Takashi, it's starting to get a bit late," said Honey. "Let's go home, 'kay?"

He picked up Honey and bolted for the door, not even telling them good-bye.

The awkward silence didn't leave with them.

"Gentlemen, I believe that is our cue to leave," said Kyoya, standing up. Tamaki and Hikaru and Kaoru did the same.

"Oh, okay," said Haruhi. She seemed a little surprised at what had happened. "I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow, before I leave."

"Bunny, it was a pleasure to meet you," said Kyoya, extending his hand to her. She took it, shaking it as she spoke.

"I hope I didn't step on your toes too much," she said, smiling. Kyoya smiled back at her, a competitive glint in his eye.

"Bunny, let's play a game-" started Hikaru.

"-next time we see you," finished Kaoru.

"Okay?" they said together. She laughed.

"Okay, whatever you want."


"Um, no, I didn't mean it like that!" She covered her mouth again; her face turning the same shade as a beet.

"We'll see you around Bunny," they said as they walked out the door. Kaoru looked back at her before they left.

"My dear princess, don't look so forlorn," whispered Tamaki as he pulled her into an embrace. "We'll see each other soon again, and the reunion will be sweeter than our first meeting, if such a thing is possible." Bunny laughed and actually hugged him back.

"Yeah, I guess anything is possible." If she hadn't returned his embrace he would be in his sulking corner by now.

"Come, Daddy," said Kyoya. "I'll give you a ride back." Tamaki bowed as he closed the door behind him.

"Bye, Senpais!" Haruhi called. She then turned to Bunny, a slight smile on her face. "See what you have to look forward to?"

Bunny laughed.

"I don't know why you complain so much - already I love them to pieces."

***In the Morinozuka home***

"Takashi, dear, is something wrong?" Mori looked down at his mother.

"Everything's fine. Why do you ask?" His mom laid her hand on his forehead, checking for a fever. She looked up into his eyes and laughed.

"Sweetheart, you're over-tired. What have you been doing today?"

"Mitsukuni and I were sparring this morning." She smiled.

"That explains it. Now, it's time for you to go to bed."

"Okay, goodnight, Mom." He leaned down and wrapped his long arms around her in bear hug.

"Goodnight, Sweetie. Sleep well!"

Mori went to his room, his large feet dragging on the carpet.



"I love you!"

"Hm," he said, meaning 'I love you too.'

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