Chapter 8

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"Um, Tamaki," said Bunny. "Is all of this really necessary?" Her blue eyes were wide with shock as she helped Tamaki unload the shopping cart at the register.

"Oh yes, every bit!" he replied excitedly. "We're going to have a picnic!" His eyes sparkled as he spoke, a grin spreading across his face.

"Oh, really?" Tamaki's excitement was contagious. "When is it?"

"I was thinking today would be perfect." Tamaki paid for his vast amount of goods.

"Perfect for what?" Bunny and Tamaki turned around to see Kyoya standing behind them, accompanied by the rest of the club.

"Oh, Tamaki's planning a picnic," Bunny responded brightly. She stumbled from the weight of the numerous bags she was carrying.

"Oh, Bunny, let us help you with those," said Kaoru.

"Yes, it would be quite rude if we didn't," said Hikaru.

"I wanna help Bunny-chan!" said Honey. He gave Usa-chan to Mori and rushed over to Bunny.

"Wait, wait! I can carry more bags!" said Tamaki frantically. He also rushed over to Bunny, who was quickly becoming overwhelmed.

"Guys, I need some space!" she shouted. They were so busy arguing over who got how many bags they didn't hear her. "Gah, Mori! A little help here please?"

Mori grunted and switched to protective mode. He swiftly picked Bunny up with one hand by the back of her shirt and carried her back to safety. The fussing stopped immediately. The four boys stared at Bunny and Mori, who just stared back.

"Um, Mori?"


"Um, I kinda miss having my feet on the ground..." He turned a light shade of pink as he gently set her down. She slowly edged over back to Tamaki, staring at her feet.

Kyoya cleared his throat, demanding their attention.

"So, what is this about a picnic?" he asked, pushing his glasses up.

"I wanted to have a picnic to celebrate!" said Tamaki, throwing his arms into the air joyously.

"To celebrate what?" I dare ask, Kyoya thought silently.

"To celebrate my adoption of Bunny as my little sister!" Tamaki flung himself at Bunny, cooing over her. Bunny felt that dreaded crimson blush creep up her face.

So that's what this is all about, she thought dryly. She quickly tried to change Tamaki's mind.

"Oh, um, that's not really necessary," she said. "I mean, there's no need to make a big deal out of it. It's not that important." She looked up after she finished speaking. "Huh? Where'd he go?" Hikaru and Kaoru pointed; he was in his emo corner.

"How could you say it's not important?" he muttered. "Do you think I'm not important?"

"No, no, it's not that," Bunny said frantically, waving her hands in protest.

"Ya know, Bunny," said Hikaru.

"It wouldn't hurt to let Tamaki-senpai fuss over you for a bit," said Kaoru.

"Yeah, 'cause Haru-chan never lets Tama-chan do it," said Honey. He looked up at Bunny with his big brown eyes and smiled, squeezing Usa-chan. "I think you should let Tama-chan fuss over you, 'kay?"

How could she resist?

She sighed and went to Tamaki, but not before she stuck her tongue out at the twins. They did it back to her, laughing.

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