Chapter 12- Zoe

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Read the A/N at the bottom please. It's really important. 

"I'm gonna make him sorry he ever showed up with that ugly face of his." Jake cracked his knuckles. I stared at him in awe. How could he be so brave after they nearly got killed a bunch of times? I envied him for having so much courage. I sighed and looked into the water. Everything looked so peaceful. I wished that things could always be like this, but I knew it would never happen. It was impossible to get rid of all bad things.

"So, what's our plan?" I asked, turning to face the others.

"My brother is making the Cyclops work as hard as he can, but there is only so much he can do." Zeus replied. "They just don't know what to make! All the weapons we have can be easily overpowered by Erebus!" 

"Well, they're gonna have to do something about that! How are we going to win this war if we don't even have any goddy weapons?!" Jake yelled. "Wait a second. Zoe!" 


"When I came over to your house, I saw some of your pictures in your backpack! You had drawings of weapons didn't you?" 

"Um...why were you looking in my back- never mind, that's not the point. Yes, I did. But how is that relevant..." 

"And you call me dumb...Zoe, we can use those pictures to create new weapons! All you have to do is redraw them and we can give them to the Cyclops!" Jake said.

" drawings aren't good..." 

"Are you kidding?! They're amazing!" 

"Jake I-" 

"Here's my spare paper and pencil! Get drawing!" Jake handed her a sheet of paper and a small pencil that was as small as her thumb. Zoe sighed and sat down in the corner, touching the pencil to the paper. This was going to be a long day...


I am sooooooooo sorry I didn't update for soooooooooooooo long. I totally ran out of ideas. I want your honest opinions. Should I continue this story or not? If I get more yeses, I'll continue the story as normal and update once every one or two weeks. If I get more nos I'll post one more chapter summing up everything that was supposed to happen and then stop writing. P.S. I've put in a book reference here. First person to find it gets a shoutout and a dedication. 


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