Chapter 13: This Wasn't In The Job Description

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Chapter 13: This Wasn't In The Job Description

*2 years after the first 2 years (So a total of 4 years since Sarah was born) later*

Derek POV

  "Michelle Routon, Jamie-lynn Hastings, and Abby St. Dennis. Ages 8, 6, and 5. All from within the state of Virginia, all of which have dark hair, and dark eyes, all abducted from their homes while being taken care of by their nannies. In all three situations, there were no signs of forced entry." Garcia explains to the group.

  "Were the nannies killed too, or was it just the girls?" JJ asks. Garcia flips to the next page of her presentation. Clearly seen, a single gunshot wound to the head.

  "Unfortunately my love, yes, you are correct. As displayed on the monitor, you see two of the girls died instantly from trauma, but the third nanny, Rebecca Lornes, bled to death on the kitchen floor."

  "What happened to the girls?" Reid jumps in.

  "Photos were taken of the girls after they'd been tortured for several days. In the pictures, a gloved hand holds a gun to the child's head. Police are assuming that the pictures were taken and sent to the family moments before their child's death. Police picked up all 3 bodies from trash bins outside of a warehouse district near Queen's and Second street. Now before you ask, yes, police searched all the buildings in the area and came up with nothing."

  "When was the last body found?" Emily asks from across the table. I look to her, and I can't help but smile.

  "8 hours ago, and our unsub has already picked up another victim. Olivia Tyler, age 5. No forced entry, single gunshot wound to the head. We have about 5 days to find her before she's likely to turn up dead."

  "Than there's no time to waste. Let's head out." Hotch says, dismissing us from the table.


  "Garcia we need somewhere big enough to hold everything he's using on these girls." I tell her.

  "I know sugar, momma's giving it everything she's got."

  "Garcia, look for men who've lost a female child. Sister, daughter, anything. Date it back to about a month ago when the killing started." Emily suggests.

  "I thought of that already, I'm still coming up with nothing, I'll try cross matching with the dump site area... give me two seconds. And... BINGO! Mattew Torres, 1994 Hillsbury Ave."

  "Call the team, we're on our way." Emily says as she hangs up the phone.


Emily POV

  "Where did you take Olivia Tyler?" I ask him as I sit down across the table.

  "You're the Profiler, you tell me."

  "They look like your daughter."

  "Do you have children, Agent Prentiss?" He asks me.

  "I do." I reply.

  "Do you know what it's like to have them ripped out of your life?"

  "You beat her to death while you were drunk. You don't get to make excuses for that." I tell him.

  "I did no such thing." He argues. I put a picture of his daughter on the table.

  "Yes, you did. This is what you did to her. You see those marks along her rib cage," I point them out to him. "That was where you lashed her with your belt. And here," I point to the cuts on her face. "Are from the glass you smashed over her head. You did this to her Mattew, and now you're doing it to other people's children too. So I ask you again. Where did you take Olivia Tyler?"

  "You can only hold me here for 48 hours since you have nothing against me. Now if I'm correct Agent Prentiss, that means you have 3 hours left." He looks at the clock. His face expresion changes immidiately. "Oh, look at the time. Almost time for you to realize I'm innocent." Just then, Derek comes through the door.

  "Prentiss- we just got the picture." I look back to Torres and he smiles. "Can I go now?"


  "What do you mean we can't hold him here?" I demand.

  "We have no proof, and our time is up." Hotch says to me.

  "5 more minutes. I'll get him to talk." I turn and enter the interrogation room again.

  "Torres, who's your accomplice?" He stares at me, he won't speak.

  "Where's did he take Olivia?" Still nothing.

  "I suggest you start talking, unless you want to go down for obstruction of justice, accomplice to murder, agressive behavior toward an FBI agent during your arrest, and possibly 3 counts of murder."

  "I... have nothing... to say..."

*** An hour later***

  "How could I have not seen this sooner? It's his brother, Michael. His accomplice, he owns a warehouse in the district off of Queens Ave, I'm sending you the location now."

  "Thanks Garcia, we're on our way." The drive seems to take forever, but when we arrive, we go in guns up, and ready to shoot. "Olivia?" I call out, the team following close behind. "Michael Torres!" Derek shouts from behind me. Nothing. A sudden feeling comes over me, the feeling that we're too late. That she's already dead. Just then, I turn a corner and find her tied to a chair, gagged, and crying.

  "I've got her!" I yell to the others. I take the cloth from her mouth and untie the knots from around her hands and ankles. She's covered in blood and scars, but I'm confident she'll make it out okay. She jumps into my arms and sobs. She grips me so tight that I think her nails are making me bleed.

  "You know, your mom is going to be really happy to see you Liv." I carry her past JJ, and I hear her mumble under her breath, "Who could do that to a child?" I bring her out to the paramedics. Just as we're about to leave for the hospital, I hear gunfire. I begin to run for the warehouse, but Olivia grabs my arm. "No! Don't leave!" And I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I know if anything happens, I'll be notified. But until then... "Okay, let's go Liv." And we're off to the hospital.


  "So Hotch took the shot? Michael's dead?" JJ nods. "Now we really can charge Matthew with-"

  "Yeah, if we ever catch him again."

  "You mean, he's out of our custody?" I ask, panicked.

  "We released him over an hour ago." JJ says. Just then, my phone goes off. I open it to a text.

Unknown Number

You should be more careful who you mention your kid to.

  Followed by a picture of Sarah, gagged, and sitting on my living room couch. Tears, and a terrified look on her face.

  My hand covers my scream as my phone drops and my legs stiffen. "What's wrong?" JJ asks, but no words come. She picks up my phone, and then she sees it. She looks me in the eye, terrified, and calls out for Hotch.

  "Hotch! Torres has Sarah!" And I've never seen Hotch drop anything in his life, until now. The next thing I know, I'm running faster than I've ever run before. Only one thing sticks in my mind:

Get to Sarah

Dirty Little Secrets (Demily fanfic) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora