Chapter 2: Missing You(Rewritten)

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Chapter 2: Missing (Emily)

~Somewhere in Paris~

I watch the moon at its full peak. Standing on the balcony I stare at he stars and wonder about life back home in Quantico. It's about 7:30pm in Virginia and I wonder if Derek ever watches the sun set. I know he'll be the one who takes my death the hardest. I don't know how I know, I just do. He was my best friend. I wish I could pick up the phone and call him, but I know that I can't. That would ruin the plan, and defeat the whole reason for lying to him and the rest of the team in the first place.

  My phone buzzes violently in my pocket. It's Aaron, right on cue. "Hotch, what's up?" I ask, as I normally do. I watch the busy street below, people going to and from the airport a few miles away. "Morgan is headed to Paris." I felt my stomach drop, and the colour fade from my face. "Wait, why? Does he know I'm alive?" I feel a rush of panic wash over me along with a cold chill from the night time air.

"He hasn't been handling you being gone very well. I forced him to take time off, and he decided he couldn't stay here in Quantico. He said he wanted to get as far away from you and his memories as possible. He's been falling apart." I stay silent, not really sure what to say as the image of a distraught image of him plays through my head.

"Was there something going on between you two before you left?" Hotch asks, it felt more like an accusation than a question. "No." I answer instinctively. It's true, although it hurts to say and I'm not exactly sure why. I always had an attraction to Derek, and I had developed feelings over the years. I just never thought he felt the same way and kept it to myself. I would never want anything to come between the team.

"Emily you know you can tell me anything." He says, a hint of concern in his voice. "I know Aaron.  We're together, I wouldn't do that to our relationship." I reply reassuringly. I can imagine the scene on the other end of the phone. I can picture Aaron leaning back in his chair, phone pressed to his ear. Nobody in the office but him and his dull desk lamp. Sitting in silence.

"I know you wouldn't." We both stay silent on the line for a moment, an awkward silence growing between us. "Are you still coming out this weekend?" I ask dryly. The Paris lights are really quite something to look at in the dark hours of the night. "Emily, I would love to, but I can't take the risk with Derek being there." I nod to myself, disappointment rising through my body. "I understand." The line is silent for a moment before I speak quickly.

"It's getting late, so I'm heading off to bed." I lie, not wanting to be stuck in this conversation a minute longer. "Goodnight." He says in his monotone voice. "Bye." I reply. Just as I am about to hang up the phone he chimes in again.

"Wait, before you go there is something I need to tell you." I swallow hard and stay silent, awaiting his response. "I love you Emily." A shiver runs down my spine and goosebumps appear on my skin. Unsure of how to respond, I find a way to quickly end the conversation. "I'm sorry Aaron, you're breaking up. I'll call you in the morning." I quickly end the call and throw my phone on the bed. 

I look out at the airport and watch a plane make it's descent and land. I start to wonder if it's the one Derek is on, so I stand a little longer. Longer than I'd like to admit. I stand on the balcony and wait, watching as people hail cabs and throw their luggage around. 

Then suddenly I see him. I know it's him the moment I see him. I can't see his face clearly but it seems to have a frown, a look I don't see often on Derek's face. I want to run to him. To tell him I'm alright. But I can't, I wish I could. I miss him, too much.

I watch him look around, and then he finds my gaze. We lock eyes, and suddenly I know I'm in trouble.

Dirty Little Secrets (Demily fanfic) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now