Chapter 9: Drug Deals (Edited)

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Chapter 9: Drug Deals

It's been almost a month since the BAU welcomed their newest addition. I never kept it a secret about who her father was when I found out. I told the team right away. She's not Aaron's. But she might as well be considering the fact that we are yet again back together and living happily. I had the records exspunged of her true father. I know I will tell him one day. As soon as the time is right. But the question is, will there ever be a right time to tell Binh he has a daughter he never knew about?

Her small cry awakens me and Aaron both. My brain is wired to hear it now that I'm a mother, and I think Aaron's s still wired from when he had Jack. Oh, Jack. He's still so young. Only 14. Living the life in his first year of high school. Give it a few more years and when Aaron's home on the weekends they'll be splitting a case of beer.

"I'll get her." He says, kissing me on the forehead. I smile and run my fingers over his stubbly face.

"Thank you." He jumps out of bed and walks to the next room. I hear the door open as he walks into the room. The footsteps get louder as he nears the baby monitor.

"Hey Princess, what's all this fussing about?" He says softly.

"You know, you should really let your Mommy get some sleep. She works hard everyday. She's been dying to get back to work, but she knows that you need her more. Because your Mommy and I, we take the bad guys away so they can never hurt you. We make them go away so you never have to be scared. So there are never any monsters. Jack used to say I was a hero, but the real hero is your Mom. Because she can be so many things at once. A mother, an FBI agent, a hero, a great girlfriend, and an excellent cook. Oh my goodness I can not wait for you to stop drinking milk and eat your mother's food. It is the best thing you will ever tas-" I cut him off.

"Thanks sweetheart." I hear him jump back. I don't think he realized the monitors went both ways.

"Well it's not word of a lie." I smirk.

"Is she just restless tonight? This is the third time in 5 hours."

"I think so. As soon as your holding her she seems to be alright. She's wide awake right now though."

"Bring her to our room. I'll see if I can get her to sleep."

"Are you going to sing to her like you used to with Jack? He was always out cold by the time you were done with him."

"He was 6, but it's worth a shot."

Aaron brings her over to me moments later. Her dark eyes shine through pitch black night. He hands me her small body and I sit her on my stomach, her back against my thighs. For a few minutes I just sit in the dark and admire her. Just until Aaron turns on the bedside lamp and admires her golden face with me.

"She looks just like you." He says. It's true. She does look a lot like me. But Aaron doesn't see the differences because he's never met Binh. I have, and my daughter definitely has his nose, and those adorably small ears Binh used to complain about.

"She looks like him too." I say. Aaron and I have come to an understanding. We are very open about our relationships with the people we used to see. He's told me all about this 'Beth' that he cheated on me with. Actually, I met her. She's a very nice lady. She was angry that Hotch never told her he was seeing someone though. She swore it would never happen again.

Therefore I was honest about Binh. I told Aaron literally everything... but the proposal. That part I like to have all to myself. Wow, my thoughts have seriously been drifting away so much lately.

"She's beautiful Emily." Aaron says as he moves the hair out of my face.

"When are you going to tell him?" Aaron asks wearily. He knows Binh is a touchy subject for me. It brings back many memories. Not all of them good. He knows some bad things happened to me in Paris. And he knows I'll tell him when I'm ready to talk about it. So as the memories flood back into my thoughts, I just shrug at Aaron's question. Honestly, the longer I keep Sarah from Binh, the safer she will be. Just like I kept Declan from Ian. Now he's happy, and living his life.

Dirty Little Secrets (Demily fanfic) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora