Chapter 19: Every End Is Also A Beginning (Uber short chapter)

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Chapter 19: Every End Is Also A Beginning

2 days later

Reid POV


The past few days have been full of mixed emotions for me. Both sadness and grief for JJ and our child, which I've finally managed to wrap my head around. I understand why she didn't tell me, but that doesn't mean I believe it's right. I just wish I could have been there with her, supported her through what I know must have been one of the hardest times in JJ's life. That's what you do with someone you love. You support and encourage each other. I know she would never want this for me... she would want me to have a better future. One that is bright and promising. Full of love and happiness. But I just can't do this without her. I don't want to. I am so sorry JJ.

I grab a black pen and begin to scribble down the words I cannot come to say. The emotions I cannot begin to describe, and the reasons why I must go. Why I must leave those who I love most.It is the most heartbreaking thing I've ever had to say, with pen, by mouth, by words at all. I know my absence will crush those who are already in pain, and what I am doing is by far the most selfish, and yet selfless thing I have ever done. I seal the envelope, and write the name on the front in beautiful cursive lettering.

I place it between the pages of the last book Maeve ever gave me. The quote inside the cover still burning in my soul. I know she will find it here. It will not be long now.

Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone- we find it with another. -Thomas Merton

I pour a glass of water and open the medicine cabinet, taking the unopened bottle of pain killers. I break the seal and slowly pour the contents into my hand. I know that if I take half the bottle, it will be enough to kill me. But I choose to take the whole bottle just in case. I hesitate for a brief moment, staring at the little pink pills. But I know this is what I want to do. I know it's a choice. Nobody forced this upon me, nobody backed me into the corner. I could be out there saving lives, but the truth is- I don't want to. I only want to be in one place. And that place is with JJ.

I press the pills to my lips and breathe in the taste of what will soon be freedom. I pour the contents into my mouth and drink the water quickly. I look at myself in the mirror, feeling no different than I had moments ago. I watch as a tear falls from my eye and slowly rolls down my cheek. "I'm coming to you JJ." A few moments later my head starts to spin, and the room becomes distant. I fall to the floor from dizziness, and I know my plan is now in effect. It won't be long now before I pass out and the burning sensation in the pit of my stomach stops. The urge to vomit ceases. Then life will become just a distant memory...

When JJ died, Emily told me that every ending is also a beginning. I'd like to believe that's true.

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