Chapter 17: Death And Despair

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Chapter 17: Death and Despair

*1 year, 9 months later*

Derek POV


Ever since I came back home to Virginia a little over a year ago, I haven't stopped regretting my decision to leave. I know I shattered some hearts and ruined some lives when I walked away from the BAU and moved to DC, but it was what I needed at the time. Now I'm home, and I have everything I could ever want. I have my beautiful daughter, Monica, and I have my lovely wife-to-be laying beside me in bed each morning. 

"Good morning baby girl." I say as I plant a kiss on her fair, porcelain cheek. 

"Good morning Derek." She rolls over and kisses me gently. "How did you sleep?" I am about to answer the long haired woman when my phone rings. "Derek Morgan." Through the phone, I hear the lovely assertive voice of Aaron Hotchner. "Derek, I need you and Prentiss to get to the office ASAP. We've had a breakthrough on the Miller case." His voice sounds urgent, so I begin to clothe myself while still on the phone. "We'll be there soon Hotch." I throw my phone on the bed angrily. "DAMMIT!"

"What did Hotch say?" Emily asks, rubbing my back calmly. "I was really hoping for a day off." She smiles before jumping out of bed and into the bathroom. "No time to shower baby girl! We gotta go!" I picture the love of my life rolling her eyes at me from behind the door. While she does what she has to do, I get dressed and make some toast for the ride. When Em comes out of the bathroom I rush in and brush my teeth. I grab her by the hand and drag her into the car. I give her a quick peck on the lips before heading to the office.

Not 5 minutes later we arrive at the office and Hotch wastes no time filling us in. He shoots words at us rapid fire, and before we even know what's going on we suit up in our bullet-proof gear and head out to the location. There's never a quiet day of work for us. When we arrive, we hear gunshots. We close in, and find the body of an elderly man laying on the floor. We continue our search on the property and JJ finds our unsub with Avery Miller. A gun held to her head. JJ tries to talk him down, but nothing seems to work. He becomes extremely agitated, and makes a run out the back door. JJ and I run after him. He jumps into a car and burns rubber along the street. JJ and I jump into an SUV and go after him.

We follow him in a high speed chase for a good long while, Emily and Reid in the car behind us. Our unsub races into a busy intersection, and I make a split second decision that would change all of our lives forever. I follow him. Just as I've almost cleared the intersection, a truck comes out of nowhere and collides with us. The SUV spins all around, and the vehicle is flipped onto the roof. I can't hear anything, and I only see one brief image of a bloody JJ before I fall unconscious completely.


Emily POV

I jump into another SUV and Reid gets in beside me. I start the engine and hurry to catch up with the others. I had no idea what would happen next. The unsub passes through the intersection, and Derek follows closely behind. Derek goes for it. I had this feeling in my gut that something awful was about to happen. I was right. I slammed on the breaks as soon as I saw the transport trailer collide. I watched as the SUV rolled down the street and I screamed in horror.

"DEREK!" I jumped out of the car and ran faster then I knew I could run. Reid right behind me. "Derek!" I screamed again as I reached the car. I slid down on my hands and knees, cutting myself on all the broken glass. I reached my head inside and grabbed Derek's face. I couldn't tell what had happened, but the airbags didn't deploy, and he was out cold. I look over to JJ for a brief second, and force myself to look away. She looked like a mangled mess covered in blood and broken bones. I notice Reid about to bend down and look into the car but I stop him.

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