Chapter 9: My safe haven

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Becca's P.O.V

I tried to run away. But his grip was strong and I couldn't escape. "Becca, I like you. I like like you." He says, earnestly. He runs his hand through his hair and he suddenly looks vulnerable. He looks almost shy. What happened to confident, cocky, narcissistic Noah Jackson. I always thought the name, Noah was for sweethearts and softies, not for guys like Noah Jackson! Who would have known the school's sexiest, hot bad boy, Noah Jackson had a secret, shy and softy side! Why is it so complicated? Suddenly I wish that I had never became buddies with Noah. The annoying thing was he was such a decent guy. Suddenly his grip loosens and he stands up. He sighs and strolls off into the woods. Before I can catch up with me, he disappears. I was so wrapped in my own thoughts, I forgot to say something. But then again, what could I say? I don't even know if I have feelings for him.

I decide to follow him. I hear a loud roar and footsteps. "Becca, do not turn around!" I hear and turn around towards the voice. Because I am a complete idiot, I turn around and see a panther. "Shit! Becca, do you ever listen to me?" He yells, jumping down from somewhere and stands in front of me. "Go climb the tree." He shouts. I nod and bolt to the tree. I climb like I've never climbed before.

I break off a twig on tree and I throw a twig at the panther, it hits the panther on the head. That gives Noah, enough time to dash towards the tree. He is almost up! He cries out. "Shit! It bite me!" he shrieks.

As if rehearsed the panther bares his teeth. It's covered in blood. Suddenly the panther turns around and pauses. Then it dashes off. Noah jumps off, clutching his arm.

He curls up into a ball. I jump off the tree. I half-drag and half-carry him back.
"Noah! Noah!" I call his name, as he loses consciousness.

I wrap his arm, with a bandage after cleaning the wound. I watch him, snore and wince in his sleep.
This was my fault. If I had not turned around. If I had not ignored his confession. If I had not kissed him. What was wrong with me?

I feel a warm arm snake around me pulling me close. The pure and irresistible scent of him, intoxicates me. He is a drug, that addictive, but was it good for me? Well, he makes me feel good, like I'm special.

All my regrets slowly turn to dust. I fought with the stubborn haven and slowly my thoughts returned. If there was such thing as a safe haven, it was it.
The only problem was that I had no power against it. I was safe, yet defenceless. God, I sound so cheesy! What is this island doing to me?

All of a sudden, I feel sleep creeping up to me and I drift off.

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