Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

      Perdita sat up, gagging.  She coughed madly for a while, covering her mouth as she tried to shake the haunting dream she had seen form her head.

      Everything had been dyed crimson, the whole room around her, the bodies on the floor, the walls and she was looking in a mirror.  She was dyed red, and her irises had gone red too.

      She had been screaming for somebody, but she could not get the name to pass her lips.  It was as if she was being choked.

      Once the strangling sensation left her, she rubbed her eyes and finally noticed how dark it had gotten.  Areli seemed to have left, but next to her was a little black cat.  It had curled up on the crook of her arm and had watched her intently with bright red eyes while she was coughing.  Now she had noticed it, the cat tried to get away from her, but was scooped up in her arms and smothered.

      “Kitty,” Perdita smiled into the cat’s fur.  “I will call you fluffy, and you will be my fluffy, and if you scratch me then I’ll clip your claws!”

      The cat meowed pitifully, as if crying for help.

      “Does kitty like potato salad?” Perdita asked, checking the leftovers in the basket.

      The cat meowed again, which Perdita took for a yes and she pulled out the bowl of salad and placed put in front of the cat, watching expectantly.

      “Go on and try it,” she urged.”

      “Could it be you’re not hungry?” she asked after a while, tilting her head to the side in question.

      Receiving no answer from the cat, she scooped it up in her arms, packed looped the basket over her arm, and headed towards the main building, stopping first to return the basket and then to heading on to her room, the cat in tow.

      “Kitty, it’d be much easier to understand you if you responded,” Perdita frowned as she stepped into her empty room, left a little disorderly since she had left in a rush that morning.

      The cat lazily flicked its tail, mewing pitifully.

      “That’s much better kitty,” Perdita flashed a crooked grin at the cat.  “I need to find a better name for you, kitty sounds a bit stereotyped... don’t you think so kitty?”

      “Meow,” the cat responded.

      “How about... Riki, Suzy... Sally?” Perdita tried names out, but none seemed to fit.

      The cat hissed in response, making Perdita frown and feel she had done something wrong.

      “Wait... perhaps you’re not a girl are you?” Perdita thought, setting the cat down on her bed and stroking its back.  “Than I’ll make sure!” she decided, lifting its tail and earning a swat from the cat, but the cat had its claws retracted so she did not get scratched.

      “Sorry kitty....” Perdita muttered, pulling away.  “How about Pin?  Isn’t it a cute name?”

      The cat flicked its tail and meowed quietly.  It looked up at her with wide red eyes and placed a paw on her hand as if trying to comfort her.

      “You like it?” Perdita asked reproachfully.  “You do?”

      She could have sworn she saw the cat nod its head, but shook the thought off.  It was too ridiculous to be true and she soon forgot it.

      “Awww Pin, you’re sooo sweeeet!” Perdita swooned, almost suffocating the cat in her loving arms.

      Pin did not struggle too much though and seemed like he was just toughing it out, even if it was annoying.

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