13. Surprises all around

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As they passed the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign Caroline felt the dread seep through her entire body. Whereas she was excited about seeing her mother she was unsure about seeing her old friends... the ones that were still alive anyway.

She didn't know who was helping Bonnie, but Caroline wasn't exactly the Dumb blonde that most people assumed she was. She would bet everything she had that at the very least Elena was in on this.

Caroline was surprised however when she came to the realisation that the only reason this upset her had nothing to do with Elena herself, but had everything to do with Stefan. Caroline had always had a strong friendship with Stefan, but if Elena was in on this there was no way Stefan wasn't and Caroline couldn't explain why that bothered her so much.

"Are you alright Caroline?" Elijah's voice pulled Caroline out of her daze. She looked over at him, although he was talking to her his eyes remained on the road in front of them.

Caroline felt a sigh slip between her lips. "I get why they went after Jennifer..." Caroline paused at the quick angry look that the older Mikaelson threw her. "That's not what I meant," she continued, "I mean, part of me actually does understand why they would go after her. Revenge... plain and simple. What I really don't understand is how they could kill an innocent baby. I mean let's face it, there is absolutely no way that Bonnie is doing this and doesn't know Jennifer is pregnant. I just thought I knew my friends better than this."

Elijah didn't respond, there was nothing he could say that would help Caroline understand the situation they were in. He could sense how torn she was between her old life on one side and the Mikaelsons on the other.

The thing Elijah admired the most about this neurotic, bubbly, blonde young vampire sitting next to him had to be how she stood by what she believed to morally right. He himself boasted of morals and manners, yet he had succumbed to impulses of anger, lust and pettiness time and time again. Caroline was definitely not a fan of his family, yet here she was, fighting by their side to save her pregnant friend. He was unsure if he could be that selfless.

Yes, he stood by Niklaus even when he couldn't bear to be near him, but that was different. They were family. They might not share Mikael's blood, but Esther's blood flowed within them all, bonding them... always and forever.

The remainder of the journey was silent and soon they arrived at their destination. They were close to the Salvatore boarding house. As they climbed out of the car, Rebekah's convertible pulled up behind them. Elijah had asked Rebekah to join them in his car, however, Rebekah did not hide her distaste at the idea of being in the same car as Caroline and took her own.

Rebekah climbed out of her car and with determination in her step she walked towards Elijah and Caroline. "Right, let's get this done." Rebekah said, not stopping when she reached them. They followed her to the front door of the large building. Without breaking her stride Rebekah pushed the door open, splintering the lock, and marched in, Caroline and Elijah on her heels. The three of them used their speed to get to the library.

"Well, isn't this interesting?" Rebekah mused.

Caroline just stared in shock at the sight before her. Elena and Damon tangled in each others arms on the sofa. Elena and Damon stood and were facing them in a second, returning their look with one of disdain.

"What the hell Blondie?" Damon spat out.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Caroline returned, "Why are you two all over each other?

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