Chapter 5

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Lukario's POV

I groaned for the hundredth time. This man is so dense. Luna was trying so hard not to laugh at my face.

"So you do a background check just to make sure who they are is really who they say?" Agent Fowler said confused

I face palmed. Can this guy be serious.

"No I do the background checks to know what to expect and so that I can be on my best behavior."

He still looked confused. I groaned again and this time LunarShine started to laugh.

"Shine!" I yelled glaring at her

"S-sorry! Ju-just ye face!" She doubled over laughing

Ratchet lightly smacked Luna to shut her up. She glared at him pouting. WheelJack and BulkHead tried so hard not to laugh at her and Ratchet. Optimus 'pulled' Agent Fowler away to talk to about something. I walked over to Luna.

"Shine that was so mean!" I pouted

"Sorry Luka its just your face was like 'Bro, I ain't got time for ya foolishness.' It was hard not to!"

I rolled my eyes walking over to my work. Miss Amanda McCreary - check. Mr. John F. Fredome - check. Next is...

"Ratchet! I need a background on Miss Suki Yomashi!"

"Why do you have to yell?!" He grumbled angrily

"Cause I want to be heard!"

"Luka!" Luna yelled "shi shi mayu maka namun yashi." (Translation: Stay Silent. My Mother Brother Angry.)

"Ma ya watuku no mayu." (I don't give a flying fudge.)

They looked at me and Luna like we grew two heads. I laughed and growled...well my tummy growled. Luna looked at me.

"Really hungry already you ate an hour ago!"

"An hour, thirty-two minutes, fifty-seven seconds ago! Meh want-a food!"

Luna groaned turning into a car again. I jumped down and ran towards her.

"Yeah! Meh gonna get food-a" I yelled diving into the car

"Zip it Luka."

Time Skip

I laughed at Luna's story.

"So let me get this straight just because that mech broke your heart your brother goes and did what!?"

"He went beat the shit out of him and then he took him to medical, healed him and beat the shit out of him again!"

I laughed " talk about protective!"

"Hell yeah!"

We drove into base just as Miko, Jake and Raf came in. Miko looked at us as we laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" Miko asked

"Ratchet on Cybertron!" Luna yelled laughing so hard she fell

"LUNARSHINE! LUKARIO!" Ratchet yelled

We looked at each other. I took off running through an open ground bridge.

"Luna did it!"

"Wait Luka No!"

To late I ran smack into the middle of an Autobot Decepticon battle. I froze. Shizz

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