Chapter 15

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Third Person POV

Knockout ran for his very life! He didn't want to die! Especially not in the way most Alphas did in the past! He turned onto the main bridge and jumped into Megatron's arms.

"Shockwaves gone! Alpha Rage! Alpha Rage!"

Megatron watched as Soundwave picked Shockwave up and restrained him. He looked at him and jumped back. He was seething rage...alpha rage. The pheromones, raging in the air, it had to be the organic.


Shockwave suddenly returned to normal.


"The organic will be removed from your care until further notice."

"My Liege!"

" want her off lined."

Shockwave unintentionally growled but nodded his acceptance. He didn't want his omega gone but if it kept her safe then he will allow it.

"She will stay with me and I will supervise her visits to you. Understand?" Shockwave nodded. "Soundwave will be by in an hour and a half to pick her up."

Shockwave nodded as he walked back to his lab. If she was going to leave she was going to leave with something of his. He quickly gathered his supplies and went into his room. Once inside he pulled up the file of Luka cumming because of him. He let his spike out and stroke himself. He slowly sped up being rough on his spike imagining it in his omegas body. He grabbed a small tube and let his lubricant spill into it. He huffed and puffed as he quickly set to work. He sucked some up into a needle as he poked the needle into Lukas extracted eggs. He watched as the egg was quickly fertilized. He sucked it up another needle and went to where Luka was. Using a machine he skillfully implanted the zygote in her womb. Once attached to her wall he clean everything up and monitored how her body reacted. It was going well...

"I am here for the organic." Soundwave said picking her up

"Fine." Shockwave growled "don't think of hurting her or else."

Soundwave nodded as he left. Shockwave smiled... She was his...and so was the child. Now not even Knockout will take her away.

~at the Autobot base~

"So, Luna you want to train?" WheelJack asked leaning on the wall

"No thanks I promised Bulky and Miko to go out on a run with them." Luna replied smiling

WheelJack nodded as he glared at said mech. Bulk looked so victorious until they both caught Ratchets eye.

'Hurt my sister And I Will Offline You Personally.'

They both nodded as they ran off to do what they were doing. Everyone who had seen the exchange was laughing.

"So, who will she end up with." Arcee asked

'I say Bulkhead.'

"I'm with Bee, Bulkhead." Raf responded

"I say WheelJack. He's got skill." Jack added

"I say Bulky too." Arcee added

"No way he's too shy. Its WheelJack." Smoke added

"Well I think Bulk will." June said smiling

"Hey! Optimus!" Smoke called "who do you think will date Luna!?"

"No One!" Ratchet yelled from his station causing everyone to laugh

"I can't say. Its a tie for me." Optimus said smiling

"I agree on that." Ultra Magnus added calmly

"Why?" Raf asked

"Because Bulkhead is a gentleman like you say but WheelJack knows how to charm women. I feel like it could go either way." Optimus said walking towards Ratchet. "Besides no matter who it is the sparkling will look adorable!"

No one in Jasper could understand why at that moment the most Manliest yell could be heard. It said



I know I said it will be in Luka or in third but I need a little help. I can't decide on who should be Luna's Alpha.

I can't continue without one because she has to be able to relate to Luka.

Here are your choices.

A) Bulkhead
B) WheelJack
C) Breakdown

Choose wisely.

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