Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

Luka whined as Shockwave stared at her. Something inside her was stiring at the idea. To do the act, to be claimed, to be complete and have a family. Something inside her was blocking out a tiny voice that was yelling he's a Decepticon. Shockwave leaned closer to her and ran a hand under her shirt towards her breast. Luka really moaned when the warm metal tweaked her hardened nipples causing them to harden more. She bucked her hips.


Shockwave growled at her silencing her pleads. He wanted to take things slowly with her but he couldn't the alpha inside him commanding him to spike her and claim what was his. He released his spike from its chamber and slowly rubbed it against the outer lips of Luka's valve. Luka tossed her head back and panted. Shockwave hummed his pleasure in seeing his omega respond to him so quickly.

"What is it my little omega?"

"Spike me." Luka growled

Shockwave complied harshly pushing into her valve. Luka gasped in both pain and pleasure. Shockwave started pounding into her barely giving her time to adjust to his girth. Had Luka not been as aroust as she was it would have hurt but given that she was basically dripping for his spike it eased the discomfort of her hyem breaking. Shockwave and Luka moaned, groaned, and shouted (mainly only Luka) with pleasure. Luka felt her impending release and bucked her hips to let Shockwave know. Shockwave understood and speed up. Luka wasn't ready and suddenly she came. She saw a flash of white, her muscles went into a spasm as she gripped onto Shockwave. Her orgasm was so strong it sent Shockwave into his own orgasm. It lasted a while but they both came down from their high and looked each other in the eyes.

"Hi?" Luka whispered shyly

Shockwave didn't answer as he lifted her up. Still connected to him and sat on the berth.


"Rest. You need it."

Luka was going to ask why he stayed buried in her if she was already sparked but ignored it to sleep. Shockwave looked at the door and heard a growl. Breakdown had heard what happened. It wouldn't be long before Megatron did something. He sighed in his helm and let his omega sleep...while she could.

Lunarshine's POV

I sighed at SilentPearl (combined both) ran a hand over Ironside. A little femme that was no older than by human terms a tot. I ronside stared at me as we talked about the Autobots. I smiled when Ironside opened her moth to talk to me but I quickly recreated it.

"Why do you smell like alpha?"

I fell off the rock I was sitting on. A tot was telling me what?


"Ironside is right you smell like an alpha."

"I do not." I retaliated

"Yes you do. It's similar"

"What! That is insane. Jackie hates commitment."

"I said similar I never said exact."

I stared at SilentPearl. "Your insane."

"I'm saying is that maybe your alpha is a close friend of Jackies. Remeber you and Jackie use to tussle back when y'all were younger."

"Yeah and Jackie tossed it all away when Ultra Magnus showed up."

"So, maybe it was someone of the group?"

"Who? Bulky? He's a sweet heart and all but-"


The voice of the male bot froze Luna in her rant. She turned to see Bulkhead. He was venting as he looked at her. His eyes widen before smiling.

"Your okay. Ratchet was going to kill us if anything happened to you."


"By the way, who were you talking to?"

I sighed and stood up. "No one. Just an old friend."

Bulkhead nodded and helped me back towards the opening of the cave.

"Hey it's okay. I'm sure whoever they were they're fine."

"Not since Ironhides death."

Bulkhead smiled. He was sweating and blushing.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I don't want to sound rude smell good." Bulkhead stared placing his head near my neck cables

Then it hit me, the scent...his alpha.

I stretched my neck to give him room as he softly licked my neck. I moaned feeling my body heat up. Bulk groaned pulling away from me.

"I-I can't." He whispered regretfully?

"Why?" I growled back hurt

He blushes and fidget in place. "I-I mean, well it's that, I've always-" he looked down and spoke softly "I've know you we're my omega since I first met you but...i didn't want to hurt you or I stepped aside. Now I, I...I want to be with you. I can't let him take you from me again...not after he hurt you. He may be my friends but your my omega. I want you safe... I want you but... I can't."

I stared wide eye'd. "why?"

"Because I want to do it properly...i want to as Ratchet to let me spark bond with you...before we become one."

Bulky had his hand on my cheek while the other was on my hip. I was venting slightly. Primus, I love his scent but...alphas only...he's too sweet. I pressed against him and kissed him. He groaned softly.

"I take that as a yes?"

"Yes ~"

"Good, now I just need to survive Ratchet."

"Don't worry I'll help you."

Bulky smiled kissing my cheek before leading me away. I smiled...having an alpha isn't so bad.

Transformers...........ScrapOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora