Chapter 2

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This was it, I was finally going to meet them. Even if it was for only a minute or two, at least I got to talk to them. And whatever I didn't get to gush out to them, they would hopefully read in my letter. My best friend had surprised me months ago with the tickets for my 18th birthday. She'd be going with tonight. She also that the letter wasn't going to be read, but I had faith. 

"I mean, for one, who even writes letters anymore? And two, who want's to read them?" Anika started to curl her hair with the iron, I didn't really bother to do anything with my face or hair, since I knew it would be hot in the arena and I'd end up sweating it away. 

"Well it's better than barely getting to say anything to them. I know they probably won't read it. They're busy, they won't have the time. But I think it's still cool to let them know everything they've helped me through." 

"I kinda see your point, you think they'll write back?" 

"Again, they probably will never have the time, sadly enough. " I pondered on the question for a few more moments. I knew it was wild to expect a letter in the mail weeks later, but it would still be pretty radical if I did. "I don't count on it, really. They're teenagers, they'd probably end up throwing away the letter on the way to some party. I'm just some random girl to them anyways." 

We pulled up to the arena, four hours before doors opened, and five before the concert started. A bunch of fans were already here, most scrolling through their phones and others talking and singing among themselves. We sat down on the ground, close to the front of the line, but still quite a ways back. 

The first two hours were agonizing, we shut off our phones to save the battery for some pictures, just in case the memory card in the camera we brought ran out. So we sat there and talked, to ourselves, other fans,  and when we weren't speaking, we sat in a very boring silence. 

But once the tour van came around the corner to the back of the venue, everyone was deafened by the screams of the fans. Oh, how I love getting migraines. 

They let the fans who had paid for sound check in, and the rest of us were left out here to entertain ourselves for the next hour. Most of us sang along to the music they played that we could hear through the walls. 

"I don't wanna play this game no more. All you gotta do is tell me right now, that you want me right now, come on." I mumbled along to my favorite song and played with the letter in my hands. I hoped they would read it, but I was at least eighty percent positive they wouldn't. 

The next hour went by quickly, all the fans rushing in to get to their seats, before they came out on stage. The clock popped up on the screen, telling us that the concert would start in ten minutes. 

"Ooooh! I'm super excited to see my sons live." Anika said. I laughed and replied with 'same.'

I was positive I wasn't yet emotionally ready to see them live, it being my first time, I was pretty sure I'd start crying by the time the clock hit five minutes. Excessive fangirling runs deep in my veins. But I was sure as hell never going to tell anyone that. 

Once the clock ran down to one minute, the fans started to go wild, most chanting '5sos' and others just plain screaming. 

Thirty seconds. The fans were getting even louder, and I didn't think it was possible. 

Ten seconds. We start to count down. 

Five, we hear the strum of a guitar. 

Four, The chanting starts to speed up. 

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