Chapter 12

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I was upset she left in the midst of the night, not bothering to say goodbye. I knew she would have read the letter by now, so I sent her a text asking if she had.

"Mate, you have to stop dwelling on it. I'm sure either way she would have told you." Calum said to me on the plane.

"Yeah, we barely spent anytime with you the last three days." Michael chimed in.

"I guess you're right, sorry." I mumbled, nodding at them. They all turned back to their electronics and I thought of it as the perfect time to write another letter.

Hey Claire, 

         Listen, I'm sorry if I scared you off by saying that I loved you. It was probably way too soon to say it. But I couldn't help myself. Well, I hope you don't mind. We'll be gone for a while. I'll miss you.

With much love, 



what do ya think happened to Claire??

im cri

r u cri

love you guys



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