Chapter 9

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She was so fucking beautiful. And funny. And a joy to be with. She made the night feel magical, and I couldn't help but love her. She seemed slightly different from what she stated in her letters, but she was still everything perfect called for. 

I parked in front of the hotel, and she was still drawing little pictures all over the window. I smiled and rubbed the top of her wrist with the pad of my thumb. We had the whole day and most of tomorrow to hang out and I wanted to spend every second with her. I didn't want to waste it. 

She smiled at me and we got out and walked through the doors. I was surprised that there were barely any fans in, and Claire was smart enough to stand back enough so it didn't seem like we were together. I looked back at her and held up four fingers, signaling that my room was on the fourth floor and she nodded and head off to the elevator while I finished up with the fans. 

I followed quickly behind but had to wait a few minutes for the elevator to come back down. Claire was standing right outside the elevator doors. 

"You never told me your bad jokes." I said, flopping onto the bed. She sat in the desk chair across from it.

"They're not even jokes, they're like those anti-joke things." She said, spinning the chair around. 

"Tell me them." I whined, sitting up and stopping the chair, pulling it so her legs were pressed against the edge of the chair. I hit the little lever that made the chair move up and down, and she slowly came down to eye level with me. 

"Okay, um, what's worse than finding a worm in your apple?" She asked, a smile appearing on her face.

"I dunno, what?"

"The Holocaust. How do you make a plumber sad?" She asked, and I honestly don't know what was coming back. I shrugged and she answered. "You kill his family." She looked me in the eyes with the straightest face ever, my eyes widening in fear. Claire then broke into a fit of giggles. 

"You are a terrible person." I said, resting my hands on the sides of her thighs. She shrugged and held her hands in her lap. 

"Dark humour isn't everybody's cup of dead liquidized baby." 

"Okay, no more bad jokes, that is enough." I said and she pouted. I reached out and pinched her bottom lip, then stroking her cheek with my thumb. I placed my other hand around her waist, resting on her lower back and pulled her on top of me. 

She smiled down at me and I wasn't sure if I should kiss her or not. But my wanting was given when she was the one to place her lips on mine. 

We stayed like that for a while, her on top of me, giving each other small kisses, until Michael had bursted into the room. 

"We've been wondering where you were! Who's that?" He exclaimed. Claire quickly got off of me, straightening out her shirt out and I sat up, running a hand through my hair. 

"I'm Claire, you actually are the one who gave me my nickname. I've always went by Clairissa." She answered and it looked like a light bulb went off in Michael's head. 

"The beautiful and wonderful Claire. I've been wondering how long it would take Luke to hook up with you." He said. I immediately glared at him. We weren't hooking up. I even said how I didn't want to ruin what we had by sex. 

"Funny, did you guys place bets or something?" She replied smoothly. She was very chill about this whole thing. I don't know how she did it. I was ready to rip out Michael's throat. 

"We did, actually. Lets see, its been two and a half days. Looks like Ashton wins." He joked. At least I hoped he was joking. 

"Well tell him I said congrats. Did you have something to ask Luke?" She jerked her thumb at me and he shook his head. 

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