Chapter 5

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The boys were surrounded about me in the 'living room' of the hotel room we were currently staying in. 

"So, Luke, you wanna tell us something?" Calum asked. I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed, not knowing what exactly to say.

"About what?" I turned back to the tv where Happy Feet was playing. 

"This," He said, holding the letter in between two fingers. I didn't exactly know what it was, but I had a pretty good idea. 

"Okay, what is it?" I asked, standing up and reaching out for it, but Calum snatched his hand away.

"A letter, addressed from Clairissa Smith, from Manchester. Also the same concert that chick kissed you, also the concert you went digging for that letter you broke the rules for." He stated, throwing the letter back to Michael, who began to open it. 

"This is really boring, not even worth reading. She's into some good bands though. Hey, wasn't it that girl with the silver hair?" Michael said, throwing the letter at me.

I shrugged and began to read the letter before replying. " I dunno, I never really got a look at her. All I know is her name. And whatever she tells me in the letters. I like it. Some sort of a mystery." 

"Well she did want us to write her back, so we at least have to do that," Ashton commented. 

" Do you even really care? I mean for Christ sake you made up the rule that we should throw away fan letters." I groaned. I really didn't want them invading in my letters. Clairissa and I had sort of a nice thing going. I wanted to keep it that way. 

"Come on, just for one at least?" Michael pitched in.


Hey Claire, or Clairissa, is your nickname Claire? I'm calling you Claire. - Michael

                Luke has told us a lot about you. We even read his last letter that you sent him. It was really neat? - Ash 

Really all Luke knows about you is your name and the things you've told him about you. But he does blush a lot when we say something about the concert. -Cal

That's all we really have to say, we'll let Luke have his alone time to masterbate over you even though he doesn't know what you look like. - Everyone 

Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I would rewrite that but the boys would get mad at me. We have the same music taste though. And I kinda figured, being that your hair wasn't a natural color. That's all I remember about you. I feel terrible that that's the only thing. But your hair is a magnificent color. How long has it been like that? And an answer to your questions, I usually listen to music for both. A great blend  of lyrics and instruments is the greatest. Question: What are your favorite kind of movies?

With much love,

Luke(and boys)


remember that letters are sent with in a matter of two weeks ok

so its been a month since they kissed aw

love you guys



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