Chapter 8

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I couldn't contain myself. I almost fell out of my chair. He wanted to meet again. Luke mother fucking Hemmings wanted to see me again. Out of every single fan that wrote him a letter that night, after every other fan that was more beautiful than me that he met, after all the ones chasing after him, he wanted me.

And holy fuck did I want him too. But I wasn't so sure if it was more the attraction to him from being a fan for so long, or just generally wanted him wholeheartedly. Like two people together. Not one ordinary girl and a famous boy.

But then again, maybe he just wanted to be friends. Because he's cute little innocent Luke Hemmings. He couldn't want to hook up with someone.

I didn't know if he would actually come to my home, or if he even knew where my flat was located. And there wasn't a point in writing him a letter, since he had said he'd be here soon. But I had told my mum there was a possibility of him coming over. I just didn't know when.

My mum and I had a pretty close relationship and spent most of our time together. She was only a mere fifteen years older than me, and my dad had died when I was younger. Tonight, like every other Friday night, we were watching a film. But technically it wasn't night, more like three hours into Saturday morning, because my mum worked the afternoon-night shift.

"Who's turn is it to choose?" She asked, pulling out the drawer full of DVD's we managed to collect over the years. I shrugged and sat down cross legged on the loveseat, beginning to scroll through Instagram, liking pictures of ordinary things, dismissing the selfies and rolling my eyes. But one certain picture had caught my eye.

luke_is_a_penguin: Sooo excited to be in Manchester! Can't wait for the adventures ahead :-) :-)

I didn't understand what he meant about the 'adventures ahead' but I had a good feeling it had something to do with me. I noticed my mum had joined me on the couch, and she had already picked out a film, which I didn't mind. I usually picked the same one anyways.

"What film is this?" I asked, tossing my phone onto the coffee table and paying attention to the telly's screen.

"Harry Potter, the third one." She mumbled, and I let out a small laugh. My mum and I had both been really big readers, and both read the entire Harry Potter Series when I was young. I loved to read and be able to slip into another world, just for a short while.

"Prisoner of Azkaban?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. Five minutes into the movie, we heard three soft knocks on the door.

"It might be that boy, Luke." She teased and I rolled my eyes and got up to answer it. To my surprise, it wasn't Luke, but Anika.

"Oohh! Come in, come in. Much to tell." I said, ushering her through the door. We hadn't spoken for a month, which was normal for us when we weren't in school.

"I know you haven't seen Luke's tweet so I'm just going to show it to you," She said, squealing and shoving her phone in my face.

@Luke5sos: i know that someday you'll be sleeping darling, likely dreaming off the the pain. I hope you'll hear me in the streetlights humming, softly breathing out your name.

"He tweeted La Dispute lyrics, and you told him you loved La Dispute, and he's here, in Manchester. Like, holy shit Claire, he might be in love with you. I ship it. I mean, I hate you, cause he's my favorite, but I still ship it." She was fangirling deeply and I could hear my mum chuckling in the den.

"Oh shut up, you're probably taking things the wrong direction. He's probably just tweeting them because he likes the song." I waved her off, and she mumbled a whatever, joining my mum in the den, I following shortly behind.

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