Chapter 10

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I was having the time of my life. I had never been so happy, prior to now. Luke was such a joy to be with and I never would have thought that this would ever happen. 

We had been walking up and down the streets all afternoon, hiding out in a cigarette  smoke and people-filled coffee house when it began to rain, and he had told me all of his jokes. 

Calum, Ashton and Michael had decided to join our little group when we had run into them on the street, them leading us to a club where we were currently drinking ourselves to death in. 

"Do you wanna dance?" A somewhat drunk Luke slurred in my ear.

"I can't dance?" I giggled and he smiled at me, setting my drink down on the bar and dragging me out to the floor.

"Just sway, I'm bad at dancing anyways." He said, grabbing my forearms and draping them across his shoulders and around his neck. It was such a funny thing, just us two swaying in the midst of all these other people who were grinding up against each other. 

"This is getting boring can we leave?" I whined, pulling us away from the crowd and back to the bar where the boys were. 

"I guess so," He shrugged and turned and talked to the boys for a moment. I couldn't hear them over the loud music and mounds of other people talking so I leaned up on my tip toes to try to get a look at what they were saying. I immediately got light headed and black spots were covering my vision. I stumbled back into the bar, holding my head and Luke turned around quickly. 

"Whoa there, we're gonna get you home, don't worry." He said, wrapping his arm around my waist to help hold me up. I nodded and leaned into his side as he guided me out the doors of the bar.

"I'm not that drunk, I dunno why I got so light headed." I mumbled as we walked down the dark streets to the hotel that was nearly a block away. 

"D'you just wanna watch some movies when we get back? I can give you a pair of my sweats and a t-shirt if you want." He offered and I nodded. My skinnies were killing my legs at the moment and I was ready to tear them off. 

Upon entering the room, I flopped back on the massive king sized bed, sighing heavily. I heard Luke fumbling through his suitcase and soon a t-shirt and sweats were thrown on top of me as Luke promised. 

Luke flopped down on the bed next to me, staring at the ceiling, as was I.

"Aren't you going to get changed?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I guess so. You can just turn around, I'm too lazy to go to the bathroom." I said and he laughed, doing as told.  I began to take off my shirt and unclip my bra when I felt the bed shift. "Luke, I swear to God, if you're turned around I'll punch you in the neck." I said, glancing at the rooms door mirtor to see if he was turned around and then quickly pulling on the worn out t-shirt and taking my jeans off.

"I'm not, I was just ...  getting into a more comfortable position." he stuttered. and I got under the covers, not bothering with the sweats. 

"Whatever, you can turn around now." he smiled at me and I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'thank God for mirrors', but I was sure I misunderstood. 

He slipped under  the covers next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him. I had my eyes closed and was about to fall asleep when I felt Luke's hand go underneath my shirt and rest on my bare stomach as he left tiny kisses on the back of my neck. 

"Luke, stop." I groaned softly, but he didn't. Instead, his hand began to rub up and down my torso, his kisses becoming harder and a little more closer to my sweet spot. His hand trailed down below my navel, pulling at the waistband of my underwear. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

I flipped over, facing him now, and he smirked at me. 

"You must think you're so good, don't you?" I asked, noticing he had taken off his shirt and jeans.

"I know I am." He said, cupping both sides of my face with his hands and giving me a hard, passionate kiss, causing me to lose my breath. I could  feel his cold lip ring brush against my skin with every little movement. His tongue glided across and I smirked, knowing I wasn't going to let him in that easy. i bit down on his bottom lip and pulled back, earning a moan from him. 

Luke grabbed my hips, pulling me close into him and began to kiss my neck. I moaned this time as he left a love bite on the part of my neck right under my jaw. 

"Fucking hell, Luke." I moaned, tangling my fingers in his hair. He was biting down near my collar bones now, and I grinded my hips against his. 

His hand dove under my shirt again, going straight up to massage my breast, his thumb moving in circles around my nipple.  It was turning into a competition of who could make who moan more. Luke was winning, but not for long. 

My hands went from his hair to the waistband of his boxers. I pulled them down a bit, my nails trailing across his skin, near his member. He pulled away in realization of what I was about to do. I wrapped my hand around his length, my thumb rubbing over his tip before beginning to move my hand along his shaft. He moaned, his hands moving from under my shirt to my backside. I stopped abruptly, my hands scaling up and down his chest, leaving love bites across his neck.

"Fuck, you're such a tease." He groaned and I smirked, pulling my shirt off. Luke flipped me over so I was on my back and kissed the valley in between my breasts as he slipped my underwear off.

I let out a loud moan as he thrusted into me. He held onto my hips tightly and I arched my back as he thrusted faster. His thumb began to rub my clit and my nails dug into his back from the immense amount of pleasure.

His thrusts were becoming sloppier, still rubbing my clit fast as ever. I could feel the fire in the pit of my stomach as Luke and I's moans merged together.

"Oh,,, oh my... God." I breathed, Luke flopping on the bed next to me. I heard footsteps out in the hallway, looking over to the door just incase someone walked in.

And then I noticed the full length mirror that reflected the bathroom door mirror.

Luke had watched me undress the whole time.

"You son of a bitch!" I halfway yelled at him, smacking his chest with the back of my hand.

"What?" he laughed, biting down on his lip as he stared at me. 

"You watched me get undress the whole time and didn't say anything!"

"We just had sex and you're yelling at me because I saw your boobs through the mirror?"

"Yeah, kinda." I said and he laughed again, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back into his chest.

"I love your hair." He mumbled, brushing his fingers through the tangled and matted mess.

"Why?" I asked It was a compliment I never really heard before and I was curious.

"Because it's a lot like you. A pretty, odd colour. But still beautiful." He said, his hands trailing up and down my side.

"Sorry John Green, I think you're in the wrong room." He laughed at this, his face buried in my neck. 

"I'm going to miss you so much. It's things like this that make me glad that we got big. But it's also upsetting having to leave." 

"What things? The sex?" I joked. 

"No, no, finding someone interesting to hangout with. Someone to show me a better way to live life." All I did was nod. 

Luke fell asleep after that, but I stayed awake, watching the lights streak across the wall from cars that were passing by

It was four in the morning when I decided to leave.


shit is about to go down

get ready

love you guys



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