Awakened Blurb

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On a stupid fraternity dare, a few pledges and I went out to the woods surrounding our University, to spend the night in the old abandoned loggers mill. Little did I know the entire endeavor had been an elaborate plan set up by my supposed big brothers to bash the gay boy who had the temerity to even attempt to plege for a place with the elite Alpha Kappa Fraternity. Nevermind that every male in my family was a Alpha, and my families donations practically funded the school.

I was beaten, bloodied, and left broken on the grungy dirt packed floor of that delapitated old mill, wondering what they were going to tell my family when I failed to return to campus. I was sure I was going to die out here from my injuries. That was until something descended upon me. From what little I could see, it was still pitch black outside when I felt like I was struck by lightening. My whole body lit up like I was some kind of short circuiting electrical grid.

At first there was a searing pain, burning through my veins like molten lava, it overtook the throbbing misery of my multiple injuries, but before my screams could reach their high pitched crescendo, I was overcome with what I could only describe as sheer bliss. I felt no more pain, I was no longer in agony. I laid there cradled against something or someone and just floated away on a sea of euphoria and happily drifted into the welcoming darkness that claimed me on all Hallows Eve.

Awakened  (manxman)**Halloween StoryWhere stories live. Discover now