Leaving For The First Time

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I waved goodbye to the other kids and hugged Sister Angie one last time. She told me to be good and to stay out of trouble. I just nodded. I couldn't speak. If I did I wouldn't have been able to hide the sadness. I spent the last twelve years in this place and now it's finally my turn to leave.

"So.." Kendall said when we got into the car.

"Why didn't you guys go to an orphanage that has boys in it?" I asked, curious.

"Well Thea Schmidt." Kendall said. He smiled. I smiled too. That is going to take some time to get use to. "We all decided to adopt since none of us have girlfriends and we all said we wanted a daughter."

"So you got one." I said. They all nodded. I sat in the back with James and Carlos on both sides of me. Logan was driving and Kendall sat in the passenger seat. I swear I saw him keep glancing at Logan like people who are in love with each other. The drive was long and I started to feel sleepy. I put my head on James'shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Thea." I heard James say.

"Hm." I sleepy said.

"Baby girl." I heard Carlos say. "We're home."

I opened my eyes to see a gorgeous mansion.

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