Unpacked With an Allergic Reaction

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"This is my room?" I asked."This is your room." Kendall said.

"It is.. pink. A lot of pink." I said as I stepped in.

"We can go get a new paint color in any color you want." James said. I nodded at him. The boys all brought my suitcases and bags into the room.

"Unpack your things and we will get dinner going." Kendall said.

"Okay." I said. They all smiled at me and left the room, closing the double doors behind them. I sighed and opened the first suitcase, putting the clothes where they belonged before moving to put my other things away.

An hour later I was walking out of my new room fully unpacked.

"THEA! COME EAT!" I heard Logan call. I walked down the stairs and went took look for the guys. It took me ten minutes to find them. "Finally."

"Sorry, it took me some time to find you." I said.

"We forgot to give you the grand tour." James said.

"Sorry." Kendall, Carlos and Logan said at the same time. I smiled and nodded.

"Lady." James said, pushing out a chair for me.

"Thank you." I said as I sat down.

"Would you like some milk with your dinner Thea?" Kendall asked.

"He loves his milk." Logan said.

"That sounds great Kendall." I said as Carlos set a plate of spaghetti with a salad on the side in front of me and a small plate with bread next to it. "Thank you." I said as I picked up my fork.

"Here you are my lady." Kendall said, setting a cup down in front of me. I had a mouth full of spaghetti so I just nodded at him. The boys all laughed and everyone dug in.

A little into the dinner I set my fork down to get a drink. As soon as the milk hit my throat it burned as it went down. I felt my throat start to close. I felt the cup slip from my hands as I grabbed my throat. The last thing I saw was the boys all looking at me with scared expressions on their faces as I fell back on my chair and hit the floor.

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