::Chapter 1.8:: {Small Talk}

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Michael McIntyre's POV:

Thomas and I had decidedly taken a day of rest on our first day in the glorious city.

Juliet had driven the three of us into town the next morning.

From what she had explained she was supposed to be giving a presentation to a novice art class held at her university.

She had promised the both of us sight seeing the following day when we would have more time to waste during hours of the day.

For the time being she had let us loose on a small cultural street where we were able to dink around the shops a bit.

I was slightly interested in purchasing something to bring back to Lucas and Oscar.

Something small that they would enjoy was what I was browsing for.

I spotted nothing on our small journey however. There was nothing intruiging in the small shopping areas.

The sun was hanging brightly over our heads, leaving us a perfectly cloudless day. It was quite lovely to be outside.

I walked slowly down the aisle of one small shop whilst waiting for Tom to return from the loo. We finally made it to the door.

A few attractive young ladies smiled at the both of us and were looking at us quite suggestively. I gave them a small wave back.

They giggled amongst themselves and watched as we left. It was all bad luck I figured.

Where were these fawning girls when I was young myself?

Certainly nowhere near me. They must have all been extremely far away and hadn't known of my existence.

It was about five in the afternoon when the sun was lower in the now pink sky when Tom and I finally sat down.

We found a quaint cafe on the very end of the block, resting proudly on the corner of the entire street.

We waltzed inside, assessing the counter. I stopped to look at the choices on the board above the machines.

I had to assist Tom in ordering and the exchange rate.

I would swear he's never even left his own home in Hampstead.

As soon as we both had our warm drinks we sauntered back to the outside world, taking a seat at a two person table outside of the building.

We sat in silence for a short amount of time before we had finally thought of something to begin a conversation with.

"Has Oscar learnt the alphabet yet?" he asked nonchallontly.

It was the most random question I think he'd ever brought up.

It, at first, had taken me by surprise but then I had gotten into the moment and started my response.

"Sort of. He hasn't memorized all of it yet. He's getting there though." I answered, taking a baby sip of my java.

He nodded, awkwardly slurping his at the same time. I felt myself slipping into oblivion as I began to think a series of strange things.

It was only until Tom had attempted at talking again I had been snapped back into my conscience mind.

"So what do you think of Juliet?" he interrogated curiously.

I raised an eyebrow, not exactly positive of what he was inquiring to.

"Well..." I began, thinking of nice things I could say about the girl.

I had only met her, but so far she was seemingly nice.

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