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"You can't be serious." The director puts the piece of paper on his desk. "The whole team couldn't even get the chip, what makes you think you can do it all on your own?"

"Sir, with all respect I think I have more motivation to take this fucker down." She elaborates her reason, "this is a personal matter. I'll be willing to risk my life."

"Well, it won't come to that because I will not allow it." He crossed his fingers together. "You are much too naive, I've made my decision."

"But sir!"

"Let me finish..." His eyes were fixed on her, "you signed a contract with me stating that you will be under my command until you die, or if you do something completely out of line..."

"Sir, what are you suggesting?" She questions.

"You should consider taking a break... That is all." He reaches for a few files to the right of him. Shadow stands from her chair and leaves his office. The way he said if I do anything out of line, I will be dismissed from this program. She began to think of ways to be dismissed, then it hits her....

Shadow enters the lounge with a smirk on her face.

"Hey, where have you been? You missed training." Carolina sat on a couch next to north.

"Oh, you know... Just talking to the director." Shadow puts her helmet on.

"What are you doing?" Carolina asked. Before shadow could answer, a huge boom could be heard down the hall. One of the thrusters on the Mother of Invention went out. The whole ship shook and began to get out of control. Red lights flashed.

"I guess that's my cue." Shadow said happily. She ran toward the hangar. Maine, Wyoming, and Washington all chased after her. They were catching up and finally tackled her.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Washington asked.

Shadow smirked, "a little."

The red lights stopped abruptly and the ship regained control. The director walked down the hall toward the group.
If anger was a person, he would have been the exact image of it.

"Care to explain yourself?" He kneeled down to her level. Shadow tilted her head up.

"Nah, I'm good." She began to laugh.

"Stand up agent." Wyoming and Washington stood her up. They held her hands behind her back. "Agent Arizona," shadow twitched at the name,you are hereby dismissed from project freelancer for accounts of treason. Staff members witnessed you placing a grenade on the left thruster of our ship. I will allow you to grab your things. 10 minutes." He walked away.

Wyoming and Washington walked shadow to her room sill restraining her. "Why?" Washington asked.

"Just got tired of his bullshit." They waked in silence the whole way. They got to her room. They stood guard as she packed.

Shadow grabbed her backpack from her closet. She grabbed her journals, laptop, some clothes, and her books. She took off her armor and placed it on the bed. She threw her black skinny jeans, black v-neck, and converse on she bed. She quickly changed.

"Ready." She stepped out of her room. They walked her to the hangar. As they walked, staff glared at her with dirty looks. "They're acting like I killed somebody." She whispered to herself.

"Well, you could have." Washington whispered back. They reached the hangar where all of the agents lined up.

"This is just like my first day..." She said. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Agent Arizona," the director said in his usual tone. "You are hereby dismissed from..." Shadow didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Dismissed, treason, I get it." In a mocking tone, "'Agent Arizona is one of the best' remember that? Yeah, I do too." Shadow walked into the pelican that awaited her. 479er waited inside of it.

"Crazy bitch, can't believe you would do something like that." She said as she walked into the control hatch.

Shadow walked in and turned around. She placed her backpack next to one of the seats. "Well, I guess this is the part where I say goodbye. This was a great run, but my time here is up.... But there is one thing I would like to address." She turned to the Director. "You are such a shitty person." She chuckled as the door shut.

"You are so disrespectful." 479er said. "You were such a good agent, but now look at you, a run down piece of.."

"Drop the act. They can't hear us anymore. I know you're in on it." Shadow sat next to her in the front. As they took off, 479er told her the plan.

"You've got guts kid. This is risky but I think you'll be able to pull this off." She flew slower to explain.

"Echo," shadow said.

"Yes?" He appeared on her shoulder.

"Can you send a message to the director?"

"Yes ma'am, what would you like it to say?" He asked

"Mission Sabotage has begun."


Well, this took an unexpected turn. I am so excited to write the next chapter!!!!! Hope you guys are enjoying!

Project freelancer: The Forgotten AgentWhere stories live. Discover now