Me and my angel

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Ang's p.o.v

When I got back from the doctors I couldn't stop replying what my doctor said .

" it can be either really serious or really minor ."

Something inside told me it was far from minor though . I mean 21 years of living and I've never been the cold or sickness immune type or person . so this is way out of the ordinary for me .

I put on some sweats and a fitted tank top so I could be comfortable.

I was honestly mentally preparing myself for augs arrival. My issue was no longer even what the problem initially was about .

No it's bigger that's if something severe is wrong . Because if anyone knows August its me. He wouldn't be able to handle something like this if its serious or even deadly.

And last thing I need is him blaming hisself and I know for a fact he would.

Let's face it he lost his brother , my brother , his uncle. what's next me?

He doesn't deserve to be deprived of loved ones after loved ones. I mean I can probably just be over thinking things. But in our talk tonight I'm not bringing anything up, cause that's just gonna be adding to the list of our issues.

To get my mind off of things I decided to just watch some tv .

But Mid into the show I felt myself grow tired . Like the rest of these past days well weeks .




- aug's p.o.v-

I was at my crib chillin' wit Chris before I got ready to go ova ang's .

" yung your ass ain't never gonna make your way over there at this paste ." Chris said shaking his head while looking at me

He was right . my ass was stallin' well I wouldn't say stallin' I was just reminiscing. looking at our old pictures and videos the selfies she took on ma' phone allat .

I miss my girl man .

I miss how we were.

I hate how ang does this so easy. jus shuts people out instead of just fightin' through tha hard times .

Like dis shit is really irritating . How I go from being all up under dis girl everyday to seein' ha but two times in da last 3 weeks .

" I jus miss my girl ."

" then handle ya Business playboy ." He said smiling his goofy smile

" it's not dat simple wit ang man . And besides this I think somethin else is wrong wit ha."

" like what ? " Chris asked

" I'm not sure but it has to be something. cause there ain't no way it's just this dat got her acting da way she is ."

" I have faith y'all gonna be iight." He said with confidence

"I hope man ." I said as I looked at da last video we took

She had got me aggravated I called myself ignoring ha'. And she started kissing me all over my face but I wasn't paying ha' no mind until she yelled

" August, what the fuck? kiss me back! Grab my butt or something ."

Which cause me ta' bust out laughin' then do what she suggested .

August's angelWhere stories live. Discover now