2: Have a Cupcake

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"You know Lyndon it's gunna be so adorable when Lom finally gets her soulmate, I'll throw a party and help with weddings and dresses and food and... I'll be there when they move in together and when they... Start... Aging and.... Oh my god Lyndon." The black haired man sunk to the floor against the wall, looking down at his feet. His cat stared at him curiously. 

"Lyndon I'm... I'm going to outlive her... I'm going to outlive everyone... Oh my god Lyndon, they're all going to die..." Tears began to build up in his eyes as he realized what immortality meant. "I need to talk to someone, sorry Lyndon you don't really count but... I need to talk to Panda." Pulling out his phone, he dialed the number he'd gotten four days ago. 

"Hello? Nilesy?" He had picked up.

"Panda I... I need you to come over... Like, now." 

"I'll be there in a minute hang in there man." And then the phone beeped shut.

A few minutes later he heard a click as the door opened. Looking over, Panda was stood there holding a plastic box.

"You had the realization huh?" He walked over and sat beside him, the box laying next to him as he stared at the black haired man concerned. 

"Ya... Ya I did..." He was pulled into a hug as tears continued to fall slowly down his cheeks.

"Shh it's okay..." He sniffed and wiped at his eyes, his glasses falling down his nose. They stayed like that for awhile, sitting against the wall of the living room in comfortable silence.

"Do you want a cupcake?" 

Nilesy gave a small smile and nodded. Panda opened the box and took out two blue frosted pastries. They ate them quietly, relishing the silence.

"You okay?" The brunet stared at him, wondering if he had gotten over the initial shock.

"I think so..." "Just remember you'll always have me alright? I'm not leaving any time soon."

Slowly, they ate their way through the cupcakes as they sat in each other's warmth. The door clicked.

"Hey Nilesy, I'm back from the meeting, I-" The blonde stopped as she saw Panda.

"Why are you guys eating cupcakes on the floor?" She said, bewildered.

"It's a long story." Panda explained. Letting out an exaggerated huff, the blonde walked into her room muttering "My life is way too complicated for this shit."

Nilesy chuckled "There's my Lomadia." The blonde poked her head out again.

"Heeey, can I have a cupcake?" Panda laughed and held out the box. "Help yourself." She grinned and retreated back to her bedroom, cupcake in hand. 

The black haired man hurried out of the house, a few days after what had been dubbed 'The Cupcake Incident', with a hurried goodbye to Lomadia. He chose to ignore her question of where he was going.

He got on a bus into town and walked quickly to the meeting point on the town bridge, waving enthusiastically to his waiting friend. "Hey, Zylus!" He beamed.

"Hey Nileshy." The Dutch man grinned, "My other friend will be here in a minute. I think that you'll really get along." The Scott grinned and nodded before his eyes lightened upon Panda. He called out enthusiastically.

"Panda! Hey, Panda, over here!" The man turned and his face split into a smile and he walked over.

"Hey, Nilesy. Hey Zylus." The three men both seemed to realize something at the same time, their expressions changing to comprehension.

"You two... Know each other already?" Zylus said, pointing from one man to the other.

They exchanged a look and a smile, "Ya. I'm assuming that this is the friend that I'll really get along with?" 


"Come on, let's go get coffee or something." Panda laughed and led the two to a coffee shop.

In said coffee shop, they sat in a booth, Panda seated beside Nilesy and Zylus opposite. "So, any luck finding your soulmate, Zylus?" Panda asked, eliciting a sigh from Zylus.

"No..." The Dutch man had only had one soulmate in his near hundred year life but they had tragically passed away ten years after meeting Zylus. "What about you two?"

"We're immortal." They both said before looking at each other with matching grins, "Jinx! Jinx again! Jinx again again! Jinx again again again! Jinx ag-"

"Oh my god, you two, stop!" Zylus laughed slightly, "But seriously, you two are immortal?!"

"Ya!" Nilesy then proceeded to explain the whole thing with the occasional input from Panda. "So basically, that means that we can't age so could live forever."

"Woah..." Zylus mumbled, trying to digest the information that two of his best friend were going to live forever.

"You okay, dude? You look a bit shocked." Panda smiled as he sipped his coffee, the drinks having arrived during the kinda lengthy explanation.

Zylus shook himself out of his thoughts, "Yeah, I guess it's just a bit to take in."

"Ya, don't worry about it." Panda reached across and patted his shoulder.

"Just take deep breaths-" Nilesy patted his other shoulder.

"Have a drink of your coffee-" Panda handed him his hot beverage, patting his hand in the process. 

"And think about how awesome it is that the best people you know can stay on this world and bring joy to everyone forever!" Nilesy and Panda beamed at Zylus who couldn't help but to laugh at the two grinning men.

"Oh my god, you two should just move in together already."

Panda and Nilesy looked at each other, looked at Zylus and then back at each other. "Should we-"

"Yes. Yes we should." Nilesy said, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Why didn't we think of this before?" Panda said.

"I have no idea."

"Wait, are you guysh actually... I- You know I was joking, right?" Zylus said, bewildered by the fact that they were actually going to move in together. The other two men ignored him and started to discuss moving in together, leaving Zylus to question why he was friends with the two, much in the same way that Lomadia had just a week previous.  

Author's Note:

Ava- Well then that escalated quickly. I hope you guys all enjoyed we had fun writing it.

Kalina- Ya, this is really fun for us to write so I hope it's just as fun to read. Leave feedback is ya like it, if ya like. Baii!

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